Why 41 percent of Republicans don’t plan to get the COVID vaccine

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John Toothman
John Toothman
3 years ago

Not me. Screw that.

Dana Henry
Dana Henry
3 years ago

My refusal to be vaccinated has nothing to do with politics. The only reason Conservatives refuse, as a block, to take it is that we are the only ones who read, think, and question. The vaccine data is out there. It’s more dangerous than the virus. The virus has a 99% survival rate. I won’t wear a mask either. I am disappointed in Luntz.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dana Henry

What amazes me is how many “suuuuper genius” liberals I engage on the topic don’t know about the PCR testing amplification, the suppression of HCQ (and then the AMA quietly saying nevermind after the election), fruits being tested positive for covid, etc. They don’t know what VAERS is, they’ve never heard of any bad reactions…
But WE are the uneducated rubes. </sarcasm>

3 years ago

Speaking to an amish fellow the other day about the covid “experimental” vaccine and he said; they don’t get covid. I ask why, his reply was they don’t have TV’s or watch TV. Thus they have immunity. I love their thinking.

3 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505

They will be last ones standing! I respect their ways more now than ever.
That is so true though “we are immune, no phone and tv” LMAO

Kellie tucker
Kellie tucker
3 years ago

My reason not taking the vacation has nothing to do with being a republican.
I have my God given choice an the sense God gave me.

3 years ago

If the Guv-A-Mint is pushing it, that makes it suspect immediately, regardless of political party in power. Remember Reagan’s saying that the most frightful words we upon hearing a minion say that he was from the guv-a-mint …”and was there to help you” !

Nobody seems to be answering the question: “ If one-third refuse to take the shots, but at the same time the numbers of those “infected” are drastically falling, why is there a such a push to get everybody to SUBMIT to the Guv-A-Mint demand to SUBMIT….?????“

And: “ What reason is there to stop people from demanding more time to see the full effects, good and bad, from those who have already SUBMITTED to the shots ??”

And: “ Why do we need shots to prevent us from getting a version of the annual flu bug which can easily be successfully treated with cheap decades old well known meds, HCQ, z-pack, Ivermectin, Vit D , Vit C, etc. & which has a survival rate of over 99% for those younger than 70 yrs ???”

Remember the Number One lie: “It’s a vaccine.” NO IT ISN’T !! It does not meet the definition of a vaccine. It is an ongoing experiment using a manufactured mRNA to alter one’s genetic makeup, about which we have absolutely no information on how it affects SUBJECTS months and years later.

Until more open and honest information is forthcoming, it is wise to take a wait and see approach before one SUBMITS TO GUV-A-MINT DEMANDS!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

173d VV,

“Vaccine”….the domestic communists will change the definition to help implement their agenda.

3 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

This nano tech in vaccines is a huge worry to me personally, as well as many other issues mentioned. I am the type that if MSM and politicians are saying “This is what needs to be done “, I prefer to do the opposite.
Better off if assume all the news is lies and all politicians are fakes! Oh yeah.. that’s bc it’s a fact now days. They are all Fake overpaid actors… at least the majority.

3 years ago

“….Republicans dont plan to get the covid vaccine.”

I am neither Democrat or Republican. I am simply an AMERICAN !

Democrat/Republican = Left Wing/Right Wing, same bird.

3 years ago
Reply to  DAN III

I like that! “Same bird”👍 Damn sure is!

3 years ago

What if they weaponize this vac, but more against those who won’t take them? Then what? Those compliant will be safe and we all are doomed that don’t take it?
Anyone knowing more about this maybe can help me with this “conspiracy theory ” I’ve made up in my head. It does worry me what all they could do with so many Vaccinated around unvac people…they have some evil ideas and this one wouldn’t surprise me.

Robert Housholder
Robert Housholder
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

WE are at the end of the grace age, and Satan is doing all he can to kill people the human race. The Bible said it would be like the time of Noah where all the blood was corrupted, and Noah and his family were the only ones with pure human blood, the others had alian blood contamination.from the giants. So today its given in these shots, making people who take them Non-human ZOMBIEFIED. And taking the name of the beast Luciferase meaning (light bearer) another name for Satan. Revelation 13:17 read it !The reason for the second shot is to add more Luciferin. To light you up !

Lisa M Andrews
Lisa M Andrews
3 years ago


My mom is diabetic 1 … her doc told her NO

3 years ago

Kudos to the PBS talking head: She managed to avoid outright sneering and ridicule of the registered Republicans who’ve expressed concerns about Fauci’s Jab.

3 years ago

Y’all take note of the open-minded attitude certain Protestant denominations hold towards folks who refuse to embrace leftist groupthink: https://www.al.com/life/2021/01/methodist-leader-supports-impeachment-calls-on-senate-to-bar-trump-from-office.html

Dana Henry
Dana Henry
3 years ago
Reply to  47Yinzer

Apostate church prophesied in End times. Their prayers don’t go any higher than the ceiling.

On top of that the woman needs to mind her place. (sarc)

3 years ago

the only reason I got the covid shots is that my son and daughter in law insisted. they both work in the health industry, he as a V.A. employee and her a nurse, other wise I would have said the heck with it and maybe then I could have been with wife sooner, she passed away of terminal brain cancer 5 yrs ago

3 years ago
Reply to  alfie

My sorrow for your loss. May that reunion, whenever it is, be joyful.