
h/t WRSA

Why are the traitors who overthrew the Republic openly attacking our children? They have been indoctrinating them for years with a radical curriculum. They isolated them with Covid-19 lockdowns and forced them to wear masks when they returned to school. They used gender to force immorality and gender reassignment to poke us. Now they are forcing our children to get the clot shot in order to attend “school”.

Why? It will not get them votes, support or donations. I believe it is a means to force the American people to stand up and fight. Will this happen before the midterm elections? Do they want us to fight in order to cancel the midterm elections? Whatever the reason(s), the traitors are aware of their clear and present danger from the people for their transgressions again the people and the Lord.

The illegal J6 committee hearing, the sale of Twitter to Elon Musk, the continuing evolution of CNN away from propaganda, the Steve Bannon witch trial, the economic collapse and inflation are all coming together at the same time as WWIII.


If we do not protect our children, we do not deserve anything but tyranny and a coward’s internment.

David DeGerolamo

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Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Genocide pure and simple. The Vax, GMO food, and many other things to get rid of us.

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
2 years ago

Now all the kids who can’t afford to go to ‘pureblood’ private schools (if any will even exist due to regulatory pressures) will be mandated to get shots and boosters at least every year, from six months through their early twenties (due to colleges demanding the same vax schedule)

The next step will be to onerously increase regulations for home schooling, and/or disregard home-schooled diplomas, to maintain the public school populations

With the lower income folks being most at risk for having no option to this, it does sound like a pretty classist and racist program

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

They can be home schooled. But this is where like minded people need to get together and support each other. It is also where people need to determine if they love their kids enough to give up all but what is necessary. I could go into a long list here.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I think the shot is more than just an obeisance thing. I think it is going be used to control people in a way that we really do not understand yet. Force in on the kids will move so called parent to have their take the shot that would not. They cannot loose that free babysitting. I do think they want a small revolution, but I believe the fix is in on the election. They are not worried about it.