
Boy and Girl Gazing at Moon by Norman Rockwell

White America: Disappeared and Replaced

In the United States the majority of the population remains white despite 58 years of mass immigration of non-whites.  Despite remaining a large majority, white Americans are not only being replaced but are being disappeared along with their history.

You no longer see white families in corporate ads.  If a family is shown, it is a black man, white woman and mixed race children, or it is an Asian woman, white man and mixed race children. A white family has been given negative meaning as a statement against “diversity.”  Diversity has trumped the basis of a nation state, which is a homogeneous population.  A diverse, multicultural population is a Tower of Babel, not a nation. Without a common culture, there is not a common interest.  Without a common interest, there is no nation, only a geographical boundary.

White people are being demonized out of existence, and they are helpless, despite being a majority in an alleged democracy, to do anything about it. To protest demonization is to defend whiteness which is regarded as proof of white supremacy. It is regarded as racist for a white to deny his guilt.



America used to be the melting pot of the world. This made our nation great because immigrants were assimilated. Immigrants learned the English language, adopted the American culture and the American Dream.

The above article resonated with me because I have not watched television much for the last 15 years. Any television that I did watch was a DVD without commercials. I recently “broke” down and bought Paramount+ to watch 1923 and Strange New Worlds. Although we have had Amazon Prime for a few years, we have not watched much of its content due to the Bezos factor. However, I am now watching Jack Ryan based on a friend’s recommendation.

The “culture shock” of today’s commercials after over a decade of no commercials is something that I will not get used to. Pharmaceutical commercials touting low cost prescriptions with almost unlimited side effects are the majority of the ads. The “diversity” factor is pushed as the article above outlines. I also find the content of the commercials amusing or disturbing such as the “pubic” products that are advertised.

So does questioning the advertising policies made by a New York or California firm make one racist? Or does it make us ponder their motives to vilify the values that made us great? For me, the object is to cancel our culture by destroying our greatest asset: unity. The “united” States of America could only be destroyed by domestic enemies and we watch the government’s attempts increase and succeed everyday. Why do people not understand that the opposite of unity is diversity and that this is their main weapon to continue and increase tyranny?

It is not racist to want to live in a country where you respect its values, news media, religious leaders, law enforcement, military, government and Liberty. Everything that made America Great was destroyed in the acceptance of the fraudulent 2020 Presidential election. The coup by the Deep State was successful and the fedsurrection on January 6th was the final nail in the coffin.

Until we recognize that Americans come in all colors, ethnicities, religions and cultures, we can never become a melting pot that is unified. Until we recognize that race, ethnicities, religions and cultures are not to be used to divide us, we will never regain our Liberty. The most disappointing part of this nation’s destruction is that the people who work and believe in this nation are funding its destruction. And I will reiterate once again that I will not forget the people on “our side” who are spreading disinformation such as the true facts concerning the war in Ukraine, January 6th or the plandemic/vaccines.

Obviously we will never succeed in regaining our Liberty until we unite. I had believed that the rallying points to unify us would be God, Liberty and our children. I was wrong. The war ahead will give our masters want they truly want: they want us dead.

David DeGerolamo

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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

True, what will it take to unite us? Every line in the sand has been crossed, I also thought once they came after the children we would stand and fight. May God almighty have mercy on our pitiful souls.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

The American People have become Godless, Wicked, Depraved, Sexually immoral, Gutless, Lazy, Dumbed Down, Ill educated about their Nation and Constitution, Disjointed Families, sports orientated lunatics, Etc.; If this thing blows of which it will, only 10-15 % of White patriot Americans will go to an internal Civil Guerilla type war of which this nation and all of its armed police, crony federal LEO agencies and perverted military could not win, they will all be wiped out very fast for their crimes against the nation and its citizens. The legacy of the Demonrat/Rinocrat communist uni-party who have taken our government over will be history and buried for centuries. Me personally I will not assist anyone who is an enemy of this nation under any situation whatsoever, and if people do then they are dancing with the fallen beings and demons. I wouldn’t even state may God help them because that would be like honoring demons and wicked people.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

True, excellent comment Phil.

1 year ago

One thing you did not address is a common language. There should not be any gov’t entity offering anything in any language other than English. If you can’t speak functional English you should not be allowed into this country (OK, 6months to a year allowance, then gone.)
When you hear people who have lived in your country for 20years still speaking a foreign language and not knowing the native language, you know your country is toast.

1 year ago

The cultural pendulum has swung and is being held in place for now… to divide and conquer us. The trans mess, the color issues, the fake BLM riots, etc. It’s all a directed backlash against caucasian people because when provoked, we are the ones who will fight back for sure. Especially the surviving older ones who were smart enough to see through the scamdemic. The still intelligent 50+ year old demographic is beyond pissed off.
I do enjoy telling the immigrated:
“You are here now. You made it to America. So, you are NOT Indian, British, Vietnamese, Mexican, Nigerian, French, Brazilian, etc., anymore. Your nationality doesn’t matter. That part of your life is over. By the fact that you have chosen to live here, you are now an American and YOU are going to have to fight alongside the rest of us.
The entire reason for the United States to exist is being removed by central bankers in Europe. If you don’t fight, and we don’t win, you are going to end up with the same tyrannical government corruption and crap you just left your home country to avoid. Your children will be nothing but slaves with no real freedom at all.”
They get it better than the rest of white and black America. They lived with disappearances, torture, (and in some cases concentration camps) on a scale we cannot yet imagine. They survived neighbors ratting them out, bribery for everything, currency devaluation, commercial transaction hell, judicial systems that make the crap we have look good, cops that will rape any female coming to them for help (India), medical systems that provide one doctor for 100.000 people, and on and on.
So, instead of getting upset about whiteness -- how about enlisting those of other colors in the massive fight we are engaged in right now? Tread carefully on any topic that will divide us -- because for better or worse -- we need EVERYONE to resist right now and for the next few years.
And I think a $14 Billion loss in one week by Target for it’s kid transgender clothes mistake -- means the majority of us ARE swimming in the same direction. The beer boycott was awesome. But now we have to take over every aspect of our local governments and boot out the ones who got their ‘DHS Zombie Hazard Preparedness Training” and told no one about it…

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Well, as a confession, I do not believe in the mixing of the races in marriage. It dilutes both the race and the ideas of either. Each should be pure and proud of their heritage. As fas as white men on networks, every show has a white man who is the butt of all the jokes, a literal dumbass, and a black man who is smart, hip, and can do nothing wrong. Let’s face it, if you are a white male you have a target on your back.

1 year ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

We could certainly have a lively debate on the wisdom or folly of “race mixing” … neverthless, I will wear the white-male-target on my back with pride … (click on image to enlarge)

thank a white person.jpeg
1 year ago
Reply to  Hans

As I understand it the Bible does not want anyone of any race that is of God, to mix (marry) with demonic persons, thereby bringing demonic influences and practices into a marriage, i.e. King Solomon, and the larger community. Other than that race mixing is generally acceptable (see Moses). However, it is noted that in the book of Revelation that in the end times ‘everyone’ will return to their own race/country. This is likely due to race being wielded as a political weapon.

1 year ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

what you witness on TV are Dumb black plantation workers working for their white masters (the communist democrats), most blacks are communist by nature and tribal and this they will never shed. yes, there are some good God-fearing black people but that is a very small percent of them, and when push comes to shove even that small group will not say anything only due to being ostracized by their radical black Marxist communist leaders. The black people i grew up around in the 1960’s are not the same blacks we see today; they have become radicalized by the democratic party and the mass media who has deceived them. Even many of their old folk are also radicalized now. in my book their all brain damaged and heading straight to hell for their hatred and corruption as well as Whites who steer them.

Francis W. Porretto
1 year ago

Until we recognize that Americans come in all colors, ethnicities, religions and cultures, we can never become a melting pot that is unified.

Reading that made me sad. The Left, and many identity groups, reject the “melting pot” model. They are so hostile to it that when David Dinkins was inaugurated mayor of New York City, he dared not use the phrase. Instead he praised the city’s “gorgeous mosaic” of races and ethnicities…never realizing that what he had said goes to the heart of America’s contemporary disunity.
The original word for today’s prevailing model was particularism. No one uses it any more. But it starkly describes the disease that corrupts and destroys a nation from within. And even thinking about it makes me want to weep.

1 year ago

This is why im cool with all the big cities sitting as smoking ruins with DC and LA and NYC first strikes and just big holes in the ground. Ive had a good life, screw it, just get it over with.

1 year ago

All to demoralize us. From our selected leaders to all the other crap going on.

1 year ago

“Why do people not understand that the opposite of unity is diversity and that this is their main weapon to continue and increase tyranny?”

This is incongruent. To offer another perspective..in effect, if there was a cohesive culture amongst white people there would have been an educational system by whites and for whites, as well as jobs and economic mobility, the ways and means to move up if one had the incentive. Further there would have been the right to life with the unborn. Why were white ‘men’ allowed to snuff out the lives of millions upon millions of the unborn through coercing white women into abortions along with the women who chose to do it, and thereby propping up the state social assistance programs, and entrenching it as part of the American lifestyle? Staying silent on these matters was a way of life for whites in other income brackets. Why are white men still not held accountable from the moment of procreating another life/lives and throughout those said children’s lives at least until the age of adulthood, for the provisions inherently involved? Did that exist? No, it was authentic and higher education for the white elites, while the poor schools and those in the ghettos became more depleted and underperforming. The comfortable earners in the capitalist class were mostly disaffected. Look at the predominantly white churches with the reportedly highest divorce rates in the country. How many really believe they wanted those marriages to work? What is posited is an off point romanticization and a presumption of that which hasn’t existed in our lifetimes for whites as a people group. It’s further caused a loathing of whites by other whites who proclaim racial solidarity on fantastical premises (the capitalistic class and according class warfare). Why should white people be lauded? They can’t even cultivate men overall, proving that they want a woman-centric culture, and then decry it. Why do they expect to have a country, other than one of servitude? Whiteness has largely been relegated to a huge existential mire of class warfare, and the myriad of classes have in many senses adapted to it.