Why Are Media Ignoring Data Showing Massive COVID-19 Vaccine Death Spike?

If these were any other vaccines, they would already be off the market.

In fact, they would have been pulled a long time ago.  Usually, a new drug is withdrawn after 50 deaths, which isn’t typical because the FDA has a strict approval process.  The COVID-19 vaccines have been exempted from it, instead being temporarily “authorized” for emergency use.

These vaccines have coincided with 3,544 American deaths and 12,619 serious injuries as of April 23, according to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reports System database (VAERS, republished “as is” in user-friendly format here).  The flu vaccines by comparison are linked to 20–30 death reports a year, according to Dr. Peter McCullough, and those 20–30 death reports come with considerably more vaccines administered…

…Instead of treating this data seriously, institutions like the NIH are pushing to fast-track FDA approval and give the vaccines to younger and younger children.  Regulators lowered the minimum age for the Pfizer vaccine from 16 to 12 on Monday, and shots for that age group could begin as soon as Thursday.  Pfizer is currently experimenting on 144 young children in three age brackets: 5 to 11 years, 2 to 4 years, and six months to 2 years.  The results will be available in September.  The vaccine is already mandatory at many colleges (and only for students), and you can bet they’ll make it a precondition for your little ones to continue attending school.

How long until it isn’t optional, for you or your children?

Thirty-five hundred reports is 70 times the normal threshold for pulling a drug from the market.  Although this is raw data, previous VAERS studies have shown that only 1–10% of vaccine-related deaths are reported to VAERS — or less This would put the likely real death count in the U.S. at tens to hundreds of thousands.

Read the entire article here…

About Hammers Thor

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3 years ago

From VAERS “…VAERS reports alone cannot be used to determine if a vaccine caused or contributed to an adverse event or illness. The reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable. Most reports to VAERS are voluntary, which means they are subject to biases. This creates specific limitations on how the data can be used scientifically. Data from VAERS reports should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.”

Last edited 3 years ago by AlphaDog
Christopher Rasmus
Christopher Rasmus
3 years ago
Reply to  AlphaDog

From VAERS under Are all adverse events reported to VAERS caused by vaccines?
“VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused an adverse event, but it is good at detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of reporting that might indicate possible safety problems that need a closer look.” (emphasis mine)
So what exactly is your point, AlphaDog? The unusual pattern is RIGHT IN OUR FACES, and nothing is being done about it except pump more vaccinations and “nothing to see here!”

3 years ago

Not really if you think about it. Think about how many people gave the Clinton(s) a pass. How about all the people that gave up so willingly their freedoms after 911. What about all the people that gave into the fake birth certificate of Obama? Let Trump allow Hilary to heal and create a fake vaccine and allow the illegal lock downs. Then the people that allowed a fake election and now push the mark of the beast on everyone.

I could have started much earlier, but most of those people are dead. There has been sheeple since 1865 and it continues to this day. They wave the flag and God bless America, all the while we murder babies, murder people in far away countries and steal their resources, blaspheme God in so many ways I have lost tract.

We are under judgement and I do fear God’s wrath and the punishment that is coming. Still the sheeple will believe a lie to the end. They sealed their fate when they chose to sever Satan.

Last edited 3 years ago by tangle
3 years ago

“How long until it isn’t optional, for you or your children?”

We all make choices. It will always be a choice and there will always be an option. There are some things that should bother a man more than death.

Last edited 3 years ago by tangle
3 years ago

Why are media ignoring….?”
The (((media))) are the ‘ministry of truth’ for the satanists and the ZOG.