Why Are People Buying Firearms and Ammunition?

A customer came into our office yesterday and noticed something that was unusual for him: a large table filled with orders of large capacity magazines prior to shipment. He voiced his concern about assault rifles and wanted to know why people were arming themselves. I kept quiet until later when he asked if something was happening to the country. I got up and went to the back of the office and asked him a simple question? If you had one dollar, would you spend ten dollars? He did not understand so I rephrased the question:  if he had one dollar, how much would he spend. His reply was nothing: he would save the dollar.

I then asked him if he knew what our national debt was. He said a few trillion dollars. I showed him reality on usdebtclock.org and explained that his share of the national debt and unfunded liabilities was over $1.2 million. So I asked him what would happen when (not if) the federal government collapses: no more social security checks or EBT cards. He said people would starve. And that is why people are arming themselves for the approaching storm.

David DeGerolamo

h/t WRSA for the video

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12 years ago

The “governments of the states are ignoring the 2nd Amendment and doing gun grabs and making laws about turning in guns already.
The Federal government is on the verge of financial collapse. Yet some ignore, don’t believe or just think it’s fear mongering.
All the pieces are on the Chess board and some moves have been made.
The lying politicians are using their pawns to begin to do their bidding.
Phrophecy is being fulfilled daily.
There is Always a Day of Reckoning -- Enough said

Sgt. C
12 years ago

Its a race to the end, with either economic collapse, or federal attempts to disarm the citizenry, running neck to neck. If the feds disarm the populace, they have less fear of being held accountable for the former.