Why Are We Submitting?


Masks don’t work against Covid. Vaccines don’t work against Covid. Vaccines are killing people. Vaccines are being made mandatory for work. Illegal aliens are spreading Covid through the country by the government.

And yet we do nothing.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

Effectiveness isn’t “fading”…it was never effective.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
3 years ago

Have they isolated the COVID-19 virus yet? If not, there is no proof it exists. Am I right in my thinking?

3 years ago

What are you proposing we do instead of nothing? Any specific actions? Before the 2020 elections I was not active at all; I only voted. Since November 2020 I have become active in the following:
I am now our precinct delegate and secretary
We got rid of all the old GOP officers in our county and most in our state
We started a small group in our neighborhood that’s get together to discuss action items
I send out action list emails that are easy and take very little time -- State and county specific to GA. Some federal. (I’ve learned that we have a lot of power locally).
We are starting a neighborhood preparedness group
We are hosting a School for Applied Conservative Leadership Principals
I am considering running for our City Council
I email our state lawmakers , school boards, etc nearly weekly or more
We are volunteers for the VoterGA lawsuit in GA that is uncovering fraud
We attend protests against vaccine and mask mandates
I spend countless hours educating myself and others about what we CAN do
You say we cannot vote our way out of this. Maybe you’re right but I’m sure going to fight like heck to get the vote out for our side. With all the swing states passing voter integrity legislation we have a fighting chance if we vote and get others to vote. After the 2022 elections I will decide whether we can or cannot vote out way out of this mess. For now I do not believe it is hopeless and I believe God calls us to fight against this evil any way we can.
It’s great to post all of these articles and videos (admittedly I cannot watch them all) mostly from others about how we do nothing. I ask respectfully, what are you doing? Any action items? It’s great to inform everyone but we need action items not just doom and gloom scenarios.
Our government is by the people, for the people and of the people. Why isn’t this working?

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

What do you mean, “We”??!!!

3 years ago

“Why aren’t people doing any daring-do?”
“I’m involved in generic community activism as part of a state wide effort.”
“Nice try FBI!”
You’re answering your own question.