Why Biden Destroyed the Southern Border

h/t ThomasTX on Gab

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Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago

Yes, China Joe is the Council of Foreign Relations communist sock puppet, therefore, he has completely opened the border for the invation from the south and the rest of the planet.
Americans are in denial and have their eyes closed tight so they have no idea what is coming their way. The wolfs are coming to feast on America’s soy children.
Americans think because they have been to Cancun that they know Mexico. Cancun is really an illusion. If you want to know what Mexico is really about watch the movie Sicario.
Mexico will always be in chaos because it is a gun free area, so, the good people have no way to protect themselves from the government and cartel wolfs.
Soon America may join Mexico as a common gun free area, unless there is significant resistance from Americans. I use the word “area” in place of nation because the American national identity and culture is close the being completely eliminated due to unchecked immigration.
But we still have Netflix, Amazon, vaccines, and 24/7 sports.

Carl Cronk
Carl Cronk
3 years ago

The sub-title for that book is “1984”.
I just re-read it -- -- -- and it is SCARRY how closely Joe’s current actions follow the “Setup” of the ’84 society!
If you blend “Animal Farm”; “1984”; “Fahrenheit 451”; and “Atlas Shrugged” I’m sure you will see both what has happened; what is happening; and a scary prediction of OUR NEAR FUTURE!
“He Who Controls the Past, Controls the Future”
“He who controls the Present Controls the Past!”
“Big Brother (private companies) Is Watching” AKA FaceBook, Twitter, Amazon, Google, etc. A-N-D they are NOT subject to the US Bill of Rights!

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago
Reply to  Carl Cronk

You should also include “Brave New World” in the list of books.