Investigative reporter @SteveBakerUSA on why we haven't gotten answers about Jan. 6: "The blockade is coming from the GOP…There are people in leadership who are stopping and have been the obstructionists since Day One…The establishment GOP did not want Trump in 2020."
— Glenn Beck (@glennbeck) March 17, 2025
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Good to know, I have sent this on also. I do not have time to hear/read/see everything. Beck’s broadcast is very alarming as Bondi’s needs to go forward to secure justice.
If she knows who is blocking her investigation then charge them with obstruction of justice.
Get the party started Pam.
You want quick arrests so they can make political hay out of them when corrupt Judges toss the cases?
Or do you want to get the roots of the problem and burn it out?
I can spray some roundup on poison oak and shrivel it a bit. Then it laughs and grows back worse.
Or I can do the hard work of digging up the roots and destroying that patch.
Good metaphor about herbicide, Michael. I still maintain the empaneling of a Grand Jury with US Marshals tracking down these crooks and serving them subpoenas would have a very salutary effect on the guilty ones squealing like pigs to save their skins. They could choose from behind doors 1, 2, or 3. Like I wrote before, Kash and Pam have until 06/30/2025.
For all my prayerful hope about our Republic. I have to take some peace knowing that even when the Babylonians were destroying the temple GOD was in Control.
Trumps trying to save the Titanic, plugging economic holes while the deep state is drilling more holes in it, BLOCKING his repair teams and removing the installed plugs.
I suspect my warning that Trump was allowed to “Win” (citing the lost 16 million extra votes for Biden) to be the Hoover 2.0 Greater Depression edition is still truth. We’ve spent our children’s and grandchildren’s earnings with DEBT to pay for today’s follies.
I don’t think Americans have the intestinal fortitude to endure the much lower standard of living. The multi-family in one house supporting each other situation required to restore the DEBT PROBLEMS.
But I DIDN’T create that debt I already hear. It PAID for our overpriced and oversized Military. And paid for the roads you drive on; no gasoline tax wasn’t near enough with the GRAFT and waste involved. It covered the MEDICARE our elders get and so on.
But, but, but the stock market is up today… Contrast and compare to the up’s and down 6 months before Black Friday’s massive crash.
Our social morals are far less supporting each other and families supporting other family members than in the Great Depression. Being a worthless bum seeking charity back then was shameful. TODAY EBT Queens are quite Proud of their Gimmies.
It’s going to be a family destroying event when the EBT cards fail, and crazy drug ridden (EVEN the LEGAL Anti-Depressants when times are reasonably good) people go off their self-medications.
SNIP 13%
Around 13% of Americans take antidepressants, and their use is growing around the world1. More than 10 percent of U.S. adults took antidepressants over the previous 30 days4. Females are more likely to take antidepressants than males, and non-Hispanic white persons are more likely to take antidepressants than non-Hispanic black and Mexican-American persons2
They are taking drugs to act normal in reasonably GOOD TIMES. What can you expect when they Don’t have anti-depressants and it’s BAD Times?
Already political charged speech and behaviors have families at each other’s throats. Add some chaos and stir well.
Protect your trusted family and trusted friends. Develop a strong faith in God. These things proved through disaster and economic failures to be better than gold.
The rinoRats have controlled the House since Gingrich was ousted. Every Repub Speaker or Minority Leader was and Is a rinoRat.
Speaker Johnson will openly betray MAGA, guaranteed. He is such a Rat, just pretending to favor MAGA now but screwing things up behind closed doors.
Again, class: “No indictments = Kabuki Theater.”
Rinse & repeat.
because they are ALL jews …….
Is she too busy driving the getaway car?