Sounds good. We’ll see if he walks the talk. I trust no one til they earn it. He ain’t there yet.
tom finley
7 months ago
FOAD zukerbag.
ozark homesteader
7 months ago
Zuckerborg appears to be trying to reinvent himself a la Elon Musk apparently in an effort to appear to be more relevant to some people. Anyone that buys into his posturing gets what they deserve. Why any conservative/Christian/patriot would ever have anything to do with DARPAboy and his pet intel gathering machine is beyond my ability to comprehend.
7 months ago
I could never understand why any levelheaded American could even use his crappy fakebook site, It’s a data collection site in which Zuckerberg and his cronies turn over to the FBI, CIA, and DHS for spying on American citizens. If any of you folks are on the site and still using it I would get out of, it and fast, but it may to late already and even when you cancel your account it never gets canceled. A friend of mine years ago signed up to use fakebook and he realized he had made an error in judgement by doing this, so he deleted his account only to realize they never cancelled it, and it kept showing up as active every time he went to check it out if it was deleted. so, my friend told me he hired an attorney to go after fakebook and only then was his account fully deleted and this was over was Eight years ago. His tech company is full of satanist Ogres and mongrels like he is. Don’t listen to anything this lying khazarian jew states, he is beholding to the CIA who funded his entire operation years and years ago.
Last edited 7 months ago by Phil1350
7 months ago
WTF: someone modified the original image to make the SS agents smiling…. and now facebook is calling the original “altered”???
Sounds good. We’ll see if he walks the talk. I trust no one til they earn it. He ain’t there yet.
FOAD zukerbag.
Zuckerborg appears to be trying to reinvent himself a la Elon Musk apparently in an effort to appear to be more relevant to some people. Anyone that buys into his posturing gets what they deserve. Why any conservative/Christian/patriot would ever have anything to do with DARPAboy and his pet intel gathering machine is beyond my ability to comprehend.
I could never understand why any levelheaded American could even use his crappy fakebook site, It’s a data collection site in which Zuckerberg and his cronies turn over to the FBI, CIA, and DHS for spying on American citizens. If any of you folks are on the site and still using it I would get out of, it and fast, but it may to late already and even when you cancel your account it never gets canceled. A friend of mine years ago signed up to use fakebook and he realized he had made an error in judgement by doing this, so he deleted his account only to realize they never cancelled it, and it kept showing up as active every time he went to check it out if it was deleted. so, my friend told me he hired an attorney to go after fakebook and only then was his account fully deleted and this was over was Eight years ago. His tech company is full of satanist Ogres and mongrels like he is. Don’t listen to anything this lying khazarian jew states, he is beholding to the CIA who funded his entire operation years and years ago.
WTF: someone modified the original image to make the SS agents smiling…. and now facebook is calling the original “altered”???