Why Do We Allow an Illegal pResidency?

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
11 months ago

Trump ran on “Lock her up!” Then proceeded to invite both of them to his inaugural dinner.
He campaigned on “drain the swamp!” Then filled his entire cabinet with them.
He banned a piece of plastic thinking it was a machine gun, all based on a Saudi hit in Vegas.
He supported the lockdowns and he rammed through the vaxx, which has killed an estimated 17 million people globally.
He brought in thousands of people to his “stop the steal” rally, which was a giant entrapment scheme.
While anecdotal, I personally believe he orchestrated the whole Q phenomenon, giving many people false hope, and keeping us from really cleaning house.

I’m done. I’m not playing the November game, it’s rigged, and everyone involved is up to their armpits in evil and filth.
Candidate D is trying to sell me a batch of cookies with a giant dog turd mixed in, Candidate R is selling me a batch of cookies with a spoonful of dog turd mixed in. At the end of the day I’m still being fed sh!t.

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
11 months ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Maybe so, I dunno, but we are still putting up with it, ain’t we?
Anyone remember, “…ain’t a dime’s difference…”?

ethen becker
ethen becker
11 months ago
Reply to  Green Hornet


RabbitHoleRiffRaff Ridgway
RabbitHoleRiffRaff Ridgway
11 months ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

I’m so tired of people denigrating Trump. He was attacked 24/7 from the time he came down the escalator. Yet he still managed to do more to improve the country and make life better for us than the past 10 presidents.
When he got to DC he was out of his element. He was being played by many in his own administration. He has learned many lessons the hard way. But he has learned them. I trust his next term to be extremely successful in draining the swamp.
I don’t know who started the Q thing, but I believe it to be a military physop designed to wake people up, to make people think for themselves. Q never gave answers, Q alluded to stuff. Q invited people to look into things for themselves. And while very few of the Q posts were accurate, many of the deltas are. Which lends to the theory of quantum tech war gaming much of this. Or time travel.
Maybe Q is a hoax, maybe not. But Q did wake up millions to fact that the so-called world elites are gaming every aspect of the system, against the masses, blackmailing or bribing world leaders, running pedophilia rings, running a large part of all human trafficking, , and harvesting adrenochrome. Among other crimes
So, complain all you want. Do you expect Trump to be perfect? He is human and flawed like we all are. But no other human being on the planet could take the abuse against their good names, their families, their businesses that this man has withstood since 2015. But he has stood up to it and fought back! He is the single most resilient human being I have ever seen in action. I would like to see you come out fighting if every single day for 7 years the tv told entire world you were evil, racist, colluding with our enemies etc. etc. The lies and slander against this man are unprecedented. All he had to do to stop it was to stop fighting for us. But he didn’t!

Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
11 months ago

That is 100% truth! When Trump was in before, in spite of the huge attacks against him, we became oil independent, the economy was getting better, interest rates were way down, racial divides were getting better, and we were once again declared a Godly nation. If you don’t support him, the other choice sure includes a lot of evil agendas and the willful destruction of this republic. Does anyone remember that we were threatened to be blown away by now resident?Trump is so right when he said they are not just coming after him, but after all of us. So sad. I choose to believe that ‘if my people will humble themselves and pray, then will I heal their land..’

11 months ago
Reply to  Balanced Rock

The Trump propaganda.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
11 months ago

All is well on the Jones plantation.

11 months ago


11 months ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Don’t forget Operation Warpspeed. I won’t.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Whatever, Jane. Clearly, you’ve never pondered how leadership of EVERY Large Company has to listen to the “Experts” as NO ONE MAN can know everything. Leaders have to trust those Experts.

America, the LARGEST Company on Earth.

Leaders have to ask for advice and give their Leadership on what they were told.

But you go on, chanting “But Warp speed”.

Trumps failures in his life gave him the skillsets to succeed next time. The WHOLE DEEP STATE has been gunning for TRUMP and I THINK maybe THEY think HIM a Threat to them.

I kind of like that.

But you go on, chanting “But Warp speed”.

11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Sounds de like you dutifully took the “prototype” poison.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Weak, very weak even for you Jane.

No I am unvaccinated, didn’t follow the rules and seldom wore a mask unless it was because I had a upper respiratory infection.

You see pitiful one I have over 3 decades in the medical field.

Go play with barbies.

11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Did you walk on dots and wear your mask? 🤣🤣😄

11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Why respond to me? Trump is just another billionaire globalist -- which team are you on?
🆘The Founding Fathers or the slime of a government we have had to live under for decades?
What would you have done if the swine experts told you to lock down our nation and poison people to death with the Op Warpspeed bio weapon? Let’s hear what Michael would have done?

11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

This is for Michael to answer.

11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Hello ignorant one. Have not read my replies to your foolish question for the past year or so.

Do you have eyes to see and ears to hear or are you just a chattering “Got ya” keyboard hero.

Maybe Proverbs 26:4Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be like him. 5Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he become wise in his own eyes.…

Is wisdom indeed? I for one feel the whole Bible is indeed worthy of intense reading and reflection.

11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Raise the southern flag. Support th3 Founding Fathers. Walk away from the two party delusion.

11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Why did you avoid answering the question?

11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Maybe because you could have figured it out reading the previous reply.

Since your ability to think about replies before smashing your keyboard is limited, why reply to a “got ya” message?
In the same spirit of your disagreement please let us know about your extensive education in biomedical research and how many years of medical experience you may have.

Clearly you have important information to show the rest of us here on this thread.

11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Why do you avoid answering the question?

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

I’m with you guys up until that point.
I grew up in NY, saw Trump in the news my whole life, his personality is not a problem for me, frankly, as a New Yawker, I love it!
Nobody can deny he did more good for this country in the time he was in office….
But a couple things stand out: his cabinet of (repeated!) swamp creatures and the clot shot. The cabinet thing I get, as you say, he surrounded himself with what he thought were honest experts. Every CEO does, I’ve been ‘that expert’ in my professional career. But he replaced swap creatures with, more swamp creatures? WTF? Bending the knee to the funny-hat club doesn’t help.
The fact that he still crows about Warp Speed tells me he’s either incurably self absorbed, or in on the whole thing. I can believe he’s so full of himself he’s incapable of acknowledging he was wrong on that scale, it would shatter his self image! But if you don’t know by now it’s a fucking clot-shot, you’re delusional.
If I voted, he would get mine, but I don’t bet money at the casino’s for the same reason.

11 months ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Joe you hit the target. Like all high power business men and politicians Trumps Ego is his weakness.

I am not fond of Trump nor of any of the “elite “. I ‘ve often pointed out their Hubris is their downfall.

But it is tiresome to have constant Never Trumpers beat their chests without providing a Solution to even a small part of the problem.

In my over 2 decades of military medical service I always had a open door for my people to air a grievance BUT they also had to bring a Solution.

Otherwise, it’s just Waaah, Whaah, Whaah and ME TOO talking.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Or “Take the guns then do process”.

11 months ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

Still odd that the deep state has been attacking Trump every day for what 7 years now?

Maybe he’s a threat to the DC criminals?

Also remember Pete that Hitler and Stalin didn’t kill millions of people. CIVIL Servants did.

You know, Police, clerks, those that supported the fueling and feeding of the system. Even box cars needed fuel and crew for the Trains.

11 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Michael, one globalist team verses the other…don’t you get it?

11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Jane you still don’t get it. If you read my posts over the years you would have already known my dislike of any of our “elite ” over lords.

Do you have a solution to offer or just keyboarding?

If so please post your solutions.

But carry on.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
11 months ago
Reply to  Jane

Same team, different players.

11 months ago

I miss that 4 years of peace and prosperity. The two things those in government HATE for the people. No mas

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
11 months ago

I too am baffled by the (lack of) response.
I have many theories, but honest to God, as one of the more pessimistic people here, I still have faith. You can FEEL the pressure building. Why do we all have THOUSANDS of rounds of ammo stored?
Its not going to turn out like a hollywood movie, but honestly… you welcome your chemo treatments because you believe it will kill the cancer. We will not be able to build a society free of this disease unless we can purge it from the host.

Alex Thrace
Alex Thrace
11 months ago

CNN will admit nothing and use this to imply that Republicans caucus goers are election deniers and therefore dangerous 

11 months ago
Reply to  Alex Thrace

Good take. This is all part of the long game of flushing out, isolating, and unpersoning the “Trumpers”, who have already been classified as a threat to Our Democracy.

The “extreme far right” which now includes pretty much all of Heritage America that notices anything -- and who is not already among the useful idiots and war profiteers, is being positioned to receive all kinds of special treatment.

They need to use their moral and legal hegemony to make the unpersoning official. Not because they believe in the rule of law or “constitution” but because too many on our side still believe that there are such things in play.

My sense is that they will need to damage the trumpers and other trouble-makers in advance of the main event to mitigate any kind of effective grassroots organizing of opposition.

This can easily be accomplished through economic means because most of what they claim to see as some far-right fanatical orange man army are in fact mostly productive but hand-to-mouth consumers who rely upon the system for everything and who have still not shed the moral yoke of their master’s and so the fear of being racist and thus ejected from polite society leads them around the paddock.

It is a well-founded methodology across totalitarian/communist history. What comes of it is very dangerous. Whatever you might think of Trump, he let slip the most crucial truth last time around when he said in words I can’t recall specifically: it is not me they hate, but all of you.

11 months ago

Raise the enduring symbol southern rebel flag and support the Founding Fathers not a Trump or a Biden or n Obama or a Bush etc.

tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago
11 months ago


11 months ago

I woke up this AM expecting to see some interesting Ideas.
…that went straight to the toilet quickly.
(I) thought the Answers to the question would be thought provoking.
….maybe next time.