Why Do We Need Government?

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ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
2 months ago

Proving once again that government has no business being in business. Government and its hordes are little more than parasites. Privatize the whole shebang.

2 months ago

Agreed in general. However roads are an example of the few things that government has to be involved in. The road that those miners made might be good enough for what they need right now… probably OK for their equipment, 4WD vehicles, etc but you’re not going to drive a Chevy Cruze on it. It’s going to need constant maintenance and likely won’t survive the next big rainfall. In order to last more than a few weeks it’s going to need to be paved… who’s going to be pay for that? Privatization is not practical for most roads and I’m not sure people would want to pay a toll every few miles for every road they drive on.
Also consider bridges, tunnels, etc… costing 10’s of millions of $$… not practical for a private entity.

2 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Almost all are owned & operated by public sector (government).

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
2 months ago
Reply to  Joe_P

Pretty sure if I didn’t have to pay state income tax and property tax again, I’d be happy to pay toll road tolls.

2 months ago

On every single mile of every road? Side streets, highways, county roads, interstates (assuming interstates would even exist in such a scenario)… Perhaps you don’t need to do a lot of driving but I think for most people tolls would be WAY more expensive than tax funding of roads. Earlier this year I was driving out of Chicago and was diverted onto I90 due to an accident, the toll for a 20 mile detour was around $14. I don’t think I could afford that on every single road, every time I need to go somewhere.

Safety would be a major concern also. Not sure I would trust just any schmuck to put in and maintain a major road… you definitely don’t want to get the bank angle wrong on an overpass or mountain road or you die. And other than government, who would have resources to perform weight & vibration studies required to build a bridge? Would you want to drive over a bridge that’s swaying in the wind?

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
2 months ago
Reply to  Joe_P

Still not buying what you’re selling. Where there’s a capitalist there is a way.

2 months ago

Two or more people will always have a leader. It’s the consistent honor and virtue part that eludes us.

2 months ago
Reply to  AJR973

Choosing someone to lead you for the moment in a project, task, endeavor, etc. is completely different from selecting someone you will blinding obey forever (or until the next opportunity to pick a new master). People with greater skills, talents, knowledge, etc. will always rise to the top. The difference is VIOLENCE, and the “legal” monopoly on its use to enforce your status. Voluntary cooperation, even if that be following someone at a particular moment, is without violence.

Sgt. Schulz
Sgt. Schulz
2 months ago

Grift is why government projects take so long, and why the citizens are unhappy with the results of the lengthy projects generally.

2 months ago
Reply to  Sgt. Schulz

That and that government gets to STEAL the money it needs to pay for the project. It NEVER has to EARN IT.

2 months ago

We absolutely DO NOT NEED GOVERNMENT. Government at its core is JUST PEOPLE. Nothing magical about that at all. But government has one special thing that everyone else does NOT have -- the ability to commit VIOLENCE, STEAL, MURDER, etc. with impunity to enforce what IT wants. NO BUSINESS has those rights, yet virtually EVERY road is built by a business under CONTRACT with the government. No reason that violence-filled middle man has to be involved. EVERYTHING the government does is just done by people, and would STILL be done by people if there were nothing more than a voluntary society, a free market of competitive individuals and businesses, and nobody using the guns and violence of government to benefit certain folks over others (the REAL purpose of government).

lol no
lol no
2 months ago

Anything that will improve this nation will NOT be because of our government. It will be in SPITE of our government. That’s the hard truth.

2 months ago

We need government to serve us to do the things we don’t have the resources to do ourselves. We the people hire government because we are busy creating the wealth of the country. We don’t work for them.

But when government individuals are corrupt and steal money and power from the people those individuals should be prosecuted. If guilty, they need to be fired and sentenced to the maximum extent to serve as an example to all government.

I cringe to hear miners had to build a road because government is too broken to do it. We hired them, we have to fire them when they fail and fix what’s broken. Never expect government to fix itself.

2 months ago

Watch “The Great McGinty” it was made in the 40’s and is just as true now as it was when it was made