Why Does The NRA Still Support NICS?

The NRA recently re-stated its longstanding support for the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), a program that was originally mandated by the Brady Bill in 1993.

In a statement directed at the North Carolina Sherriff Association last week, the NRA said:

“[North Carolina’s] antiquated and inefficient system has been in place for nearly a century and was enacted long before the age of computers and computerized records. Unfortunately, the [North Carolina Sherriff’s Association] has determined it would like to continue to use discretion to deny permits to purchase handguns,rather than simply use the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) utilized by the majority of other states.”


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9 years ago

And the NRA endorsed Harry Reid for years and their excuse was weak. I suggest all leave the NRA and join the GOA, Gun Owners of America.

9 years ago
Reply to  Lee

you are correct. they screwed us here in North Carolina with our Senate Race. they supported Tillis which we did not ant because he was a whore of Burr the RHINO and Tillis was one himself., we had problems with him with gun bills in our legislature, and the pig was always in bed with the liberal democrats. our guy lost who was a staunch conservative, and the NRA supported the piece of bilge scum Tillis, I am sick of there double talking game. I will not re-up this time,

9 years ago

I was at a Patriot meeting last year where Larry Pratt went after the NRA for selling out veterans with PTSD..

The NRA isnt this great defender of the 2nd amendment..

Mental Health is the avenue to gun confiscation..


300 million prescriptions for psychiatric drugs written in 2009 alone..

American Psychiatric Asso: Half of Americans are mentally ill..
After crafting by politicians it will be everybody except themselves and the media..

9 years ago

NRA is as DOA as the republican party. Both sold their souls to the ghoul of Social Marxism 35+ years ago…

Most of the combined membership of NRA and (R) are the walking dead… slowly being bled of their rights and their retirement money, too stubborn to admit it, and too lazy to stand up and fight.

I dumped the Repub’s in 2002, and the NRA about 5 years ago. And I waited way too long to fire each of them…