Why Don’t More Politicians Speak the Truth?

I have to say firstly that I cannot believe I wrote that title. Who in our nation believes that our politicians have any integrity, honor or morality? Yes there are exceptions but not even enough for a minority impact.

Does voter fraud exist? Yes. Were the 2020 elections impacted by voter fraud. Yes. Did the Presidential election’s voter fraud overturn the Constitution and by extension, the Republic. Yes.

As Ken Paxton points out in the above video, voter fraud exists, is impacting elections and overturning our “democracy”. And nothing is done. America voted the Republicans back into control of the House of Representatives in the 2022 elections. And nothing has been done. We face the same problems as always and these problems have all been created by government.

So consider the following scenario:

Title 42 ends and Texas is invaded by millions of illegal aliens from around the world. Illegals that have been transported here by our own “government”. Some portion of these illegal aliens will be sent to other states but the major impact will be made in Texas.

Under the US Constitution, Article IV, Section 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.


Since the US government has not protected Texas against invasion, it has breached the compact between the state and the government. In fact, the US government is supporting and financing this invasion.

Texas secedes.

Florida secedes.

Collapsed blue states call for these states’ insurrection to be put down. CWII starts.


This is just a scenario but we face many challenges besides the southern invasion. Economic collapse, WWIII and a corrupt government are all issues that can bring this country down. I will not fight to support an evil regime whose goal is to destroy and rape this country.

David DeGerolamo

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
1 year ago

As soon as internal revolution takes off, then our adversaries will strike. From the southern border and each ocean.
My only prayer now is for one hour. Just an hour heads up to gather my family and either flee or bunker down. In my 46 years on this planet, I have never known God to forsake me, or leave me, even when I rebel and backslide. I will trust Him with all my tomorrow’s as well.

1 year ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

already in-country and waiting for the go-code. Look at Yon’s report of the number of Chinese coming in. Military age and bearing, remember that training agreement between the Chinese and the Canadians? Either way you cut it unless something really turns around, we as a nation are finished. Great ideals fallen in ruin because of neglect and greed brought on by evil politicians that have sold their country out and sold the sold to the devil.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago

I don’t believe secession will be allowed. TX talked secession a few years back. They got hit with a once in a lifetime winter ice storm. Pipes were bursting. Talk of secession died there. Survival was the new goal.
Weather warfare is the crown jewel of the military industrial complex. They can attack a city, state or country and no one knows they are under attack. Instead, it is used as further proof of climate change. You are then reminded to tone down your carbon footprint you are leaving everywhere with your fossil fuel lifestyle.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The times and circumstances certainly have changed, for the worst. Florida was under attack in 2022 with hurricane Ian, Nicole and Fiona. The estimated damage was thought to be a record $3.8 billion. The gubmint does not like that word “secession.”
For more info, geoengineeringwatch.org with Dane Wigington.

yes,it is time
yes,it is time
1 year ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

So how did the MIC kill all them pesky talibans with their ‘jew-el of coronation’? Why did they need all them fancy MIC machines over there on the afghan flats?
No reason to attack the fallacy of CC, just show whatever acceptable proof of weather warfare and the CC argument falls apart.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  yes,it is time

They weren’t over there to kill the Taliban. That was just an excuse for poppy and minerals. All the military equipment was a wonderful way to get rid of old inventory. Now, the weapons manufacturers get to bid contracts to replenish. It was not a hurried poorly executed evacuation. It was an intentional waste of your tax dollars.
As far as attacking the fallacy of CC, a wonderful site like this can have new readers at any time. It is important to teach the various agendas to those who are new to the method of madness. They need help putting the pieces of the puzzle together. If it’s not new info to you, just move on.

1 year ago

Back in 2016-17ish, I met the nicest woman waiting for a flight at CLT. Her husband was recently replaced by someone else in the NC Legislature. We talked for about an hour.
Eventually we reached a place in the conversation, where she said that she didn’t understand why he wasn’t re-elected. She said that they worked very hard to keep up with the news, and that they watched every single station!
I took a deep breath, and gently tried to explain that the TV was not where the actual information about anything important would be found. I tried to describe how a person begins to sift and sort through the alt-media, and actually learn which people/websites were reliable, and which ones are just shooting from the lip. It wasn’t easy.
Then I told her that given the state of government today, if there was an actual effort to get her husband out of office…, it was probably because he wouldn’t go along to get along -- like everybody else.

1 year ago

Politicians belong to different power structures than that of the people, and so do the religious systems. They are aligned with satanic corporatism. That the masses have largely not caught on to this points to the culpability of the organized church system for not teaching and in withholding information about how to not only wield power in the socio-economic and political realms, but in recognizing and in how to confront satanism in all facets of power. Hence, the church system is an immediate and long-term threat to national security. Do away with them yourselves, replacing them with something viable, or wait until they are otherwise removed in times of great upheaval. This triumvirate of power represents the same outcomes as those in the ghettos, and for the soon-to-be former middle class. It seems that churchgoers and voters loved their ritualistic church attendance and the theater surrounding voting more than reality itself. Soon, their attendance and participation at such events will no longer be needed, much like their labor is not needed being rather redundant, as the surplus of which was redirected in fortifying power structures.

1 year ago

Texans should unite, lock the invaders in cattle cars and take every last one to DC and drop them on the whitehouse lawn

yes,it is time
yes,it is time
1 year ago
Reply to  Tommyboy

the control grid would love that inasmuch as the invaders are pushed deeper into the host country.

CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
1 year ago

All of this voter fraud, ballot stuffing, ballot harvesting is a totoal distraction from the real issue. The real problem is the proprietary voting machine software. You read that right, proprietary. No one, not one person is allowed to look over the software and audit. Until that is address, you will turn “blue” screaming about all the other issues.
Hacking democracy is just getting your toe wet.

1 year ago
Reply to  CTR Wolfman

does anyone recall the programmer for Dominion that was arrested, tried and sits in an Italian prison for voter fraud in America?

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
1 year ago

Ken Paxton is an exception for republicans in Texas. He is excellent on preventing election fraud, and he is been great at protection the right to bear arms. Although, I cannot say the same about the other republicans in the Texas legislature as they can always be counted on to betray the people that voted for them. Texas is being invaded because the gutless pull-peddling republicans are stealth WEF globalists. Republicans are just glad handers, and, as such, they will never fight to protect anything much less Texas. The invasion is only getting worse by the day and the republicans have no plan, no actions, and no commitment. Who is $ John Galt? TEXIT!