Why Fergusons happen

Watching the looting and mayhem in Ferguson, MO was just as tedious as watching the movie “Ground Hog Day” over and over and over — St. Petersburg, Cincinnati, Benton Harbor, Oakland, Ferguson, and on and on. What do they all do have in common — the opportunity to loot and destroy property.

While I was sitting and watching the mayhem reruns I thought to myself: Why the inability of lower class blacks to understand the criminal justice system, proper conduct, or for that matter, much of anything of consequence that most of us take for granted? When one considers the possibilities, there really is only one logical conclusion — they lack the intelligent and incentive to understand. Far too many blacks simply exist with little or no purpose, goals, or ambition. Life is bad for the black underclass but they add to their own misery by shunning educational opportunities, siring kids with no thought of nurturing them, and being all too willing to be “kept” – the slave mentality of the 18th and 19th century. The reality is that blacks, in the main, brought their previous existence to America with them. One doesn’t have to have a PhD in Sociology to see the relationship between residents of our inner cities and stagnation of black African culture.

That is not to say that there are no intelligent blacks. There some very intelligent blacks and many reasonably smart blacks. The problem is that those two groups are merely “standard deviations” from the normal. Many scholars have written studies and books which explain the findings of psychometric studies relating to cognitive ability of different races. However, those findings are not what people want to hear, so they are typically ignored. But the studies do explain the lack of impulse control, violence, criminal behavior, and lack of desire or ability to augment into the mainstream of the society that we live in.

America has attempted several remedial actions to bring blacks into the 21st century: Head Start, forced integration, learning laboratories, white teachers, black teachers, and exorbitant educational expenses. Nothing has worked. Blacks still lag behind on SAT, employment examinations, promotion examinations, college entrance examinations, and so forth. Affirmative Action and Black Studies programs in colleges are designed for blacks who cannot compete in a normal university curriculum. Of course the standard arguments are: tests are biased, Detroit is semi-illiterate because of slavery or perhaps low self-esteem – and a new term has even been coined in an attempt to offer an explanation – institutional racism, which I take to mean racism which exists but is invisible.

Underclass blacks realize that they have a problem which explains the hostility towards and hatred of whites. They also have a fair amount of resentment towards other blacks who are bright and desire to learn and make something of their lives. The resentment plays out in the ongoing riots which destroy minority businesses and attacks on whites that the media chooses to ignore. White America understands the problem well enough to make Black Friday of 2014 the largest single one day sales of firearms ever recorded. Citizens of Ferguson, MO were purchasing firearms at an accelerated rate immediately prior to and during the riots. For those who doubt the animus of blacks toward whites, take a minute and listen to rap music lyrics.

The real problem for America is that things are getting worse – not better. Technology is driving more and more low-end jobs out of the workplace. Then there is the influx of millions of illegal Mexicans who seek out and work the menial jobs that are available. In a technological society there are just so many jobs for unskilled people. This leads to institutional custodial care in perpetuity. We are there and it will only get worse!

America is a powder keg of white resentment: whites’ loath lowered school standards, the blind eye to violent crime against whites, forced integration, and affirmative action. Thinking blacks recognize the potential for a white backlash and warn of the possibility – the race hucksters seem oblivious to anything other than sustaining their opulent lifestyle.

The solution; the hiring of more black law enforcement officers and assigning them to black neighborhoods would be a good place to start. Then stop the forced school integration — provide equal funding for black and white schools (making separate but equal actually equal) and then let the different schools teach or not teach as they choose. Make it impossible for illegals to work in the U.S. and make it impossible for a U.S. citizen to draw public funds if a job is available. There are second and third generation blacks who have never held a job other than cashing a welfare check. If nothing changes we will be looking at fourth, fifth, and subsequent generations that will be able to make the same claim. This represents an immoral situation imposed by a benevolent government and a more than willing recipient. In a land of opportunity it is a disgrace for politicians to have allowed, and even encouraged that situation to happen.

The mass media, politicians, and people that live in gated communities minimize the racial problems in this country – their perceptions of blacks are formed by black TV personalities and other black achievers. Those who are exposed to the black underclass don’t minimize the problems. Ignoring the problems will do nothing to lessen the challenges to our society. If the racial tension in this country explodes it will touch all of us in one way or another and I fear we will never be able to get the genie back in the bottle again.

Have a good week. Bill Shuey is a freelance writer from North Carolina.

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10 years ago

What about the Anglo-Saxon created drug trade? What about the entertainment industry and the mind-control saturation of their message of violence worship? What about Wall Street’s destruction of U.S. industry? What about the rejection of Jesus Christ?

William Millard
William Millard
10 years ago

Good analysis of the basic problem. However, I feel that in many ways, it extends to “underclass” whites as well.

10 years ago


Susan Barber
10 years ago

As a Mississippian transplanted to CO and AZ, I have seen up close only one event that got 3rd and 4th generation welfare recipients off welfare in the MS Delta: when Tunica, MS, got the casino business. The casinos hired blacks to do all sorts of jobs at a pay rate that was more than welfare. Fathers who had never paid their child support started paying. I always said that was a big positive for the gambling business.
All the rioting, looting and destroying of property in Ferguson, etc. has only served to re-confirm many people’s belief that many--not all--blacks have no concept of respecting property and no understanding that an education and a job are the routes for a positive life experience. If they want changes, they must apply themselves, not drop out of school and must work hard at whatever school or job they undertake.