Why has the CIA been Hiding the JFK Files for 62 Years?

Israel is implicated.

What!!!??? That was my first reaction. But then I listened and examined the evidence proffered by Ryan. There is certainly some smoke that points to Israel and members of Jewish organized crime. Why would Israel be involved? Let me summarize Ryan’s argument — the Kennedy’s represented an existential threat to Israel:

1 Prior to the assassination, the Kennedys wanted Israel inspected for nuclear weapons. The CIA had collected evidence from Dimona indicating that the Uranium Israel was processing had been illegally removed from the US Nautilus project via NUMEC (i.e., Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation).

2 John and Robert Kennedy supported Palestinians right of Return.

3 President Kennedy directed Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, in October 1963, to require the Zionist Organization of America to to register as foreign agents.

4 JFK along with France’s Charles de Gaulle, who also survived an assassination attempt, supported Algeria independence.

5 Robert F Kennedy was prosecuting aggressively Italian and Jewish mobsters. Many of the Jewish mobsters played a direct role in providing Israel with weapons prior to and after Israel’s establishment as a country in 1948. Jack Ruby, aka Jacob Rubenstein, was involved with the Italian mafia.

Read it all with video of interview at Sonar 21

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Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
3 months ago

It’s always the joo world order!

3 months ago

Personally, I thnk that’s because our CIA murdered him and likely his brother as well.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
3 months ago

There’s a French guy that made a vid all about how Israel hit JFK because he wouldn’t let them have nukes, that crypto-jew and satanist Lyndon Bovine Johnson was in on it and Israel and Mossad hung it around the neck of the CIA. Who in turn created the smoke screen that it was the mafia, the cubans, the russians, the plumbers guild, liberace, pittsburgh’s semi pro footballers, the delta delta delta sorority and the good humor man, and of course lee harvey oswalt that conspired to liberate our constitutional republic from the American people and put it safely in the hands of the neocons and globalists. The video is quite compelling. I watched it a couple of years ago on ute oob. I looked for it just now. It appears to have disappeared. I am shocked at that (sarc). Well made film, and makes a solid argument that our greatest ally took out JFK.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
3 months ago

Found it. “Israel and the Assassination of the Kennedy Brothers: A Documentary by Laurent Guyenot. Its on the ute ube.

3 months ago

Does anyone honestly believe that this information will see the light of day? No pun intended but it is radioactive! Riddle me this: Israel, love them or hate them, is a sovereign nation. Sovereign nations have a right to protect themselves from invasions, war, etc. Why was/is it any business of the Kennedys or any other American Presidential Crime family to meddle in Israel’s or any other nation’s affairs?

Ever since the end of WW II, we have suffered staggering losses of blood and treasure to force our will on others. What has it gotten us? A bitter, cynical, angry public who has no trust in politicians at all levels, journalists, religious zealots, or draft-dodger “educators”. John Quincy Adams once opined it was not the mission of America to prowl about the world looking for monsters to destroy.

I was a Junior in high school the day JFK was murdered. RFK spoke at my college two days before he won the California Democrat Primary and was whacked at the Ambassador Hotel. TO THIS DAY, we do not know the whole truth and we never will. The killers and their ultimate agenda will be obfuscated, just like the bombing of the USS Liberty and the wanton killing of American sailors. And do not even get me started about 9/11. Bleib ubrig.

Don't mind me
Don't mind me
3 months ago

It’s not us meddling in the affairs of Israel. It’s the other way around, and they’ve been doing it for decades.
Israel was created by the Anglo-American banking and oil syndicates, to control Middle East oil.
Who controls the banking/oil syndicates and has done since the 1800’s?
Why was Rodolf Diesel disappeared?
(and many more rhetorical questions)
((it’s always the same people))

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 months ago

Around 5 months before he was assassinated, he approved ex order 11110 which authorized the printing of interest free silver certificates. This was a threat to the banker’s printing with interest Fed currency. Was this the straw that broke the camel’s back?

3 months ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Bingo, follow the money. Dishonest money always yields dishonest government. That was the reason for the whack.

3 months ago

Because the Fifth Amendment allows them too.

3 months ago

It was a perfect storm for our CIA to take him out. They could point fingers all day long!