Why I Cancelled My Subscription to the Raleigh News & Observer

I cancelled my subscription to the Raleigh News & Observer about ten years ago for one simple reason: poor journalism. I want a newspaper that reports the news instead of being what is now referred to as “mainstream media” by Rush Limbaugh. Speaking of Mr. Limbaugh, here is a transcript from today’s radio show concerning our hometown rag:

RUSH: I love that Raleigh News & Observer. Obama “over-suggested” the danger of the bridges. A new away for lapdog media to define lying. Obama “over-suggested.” Yeah, I didn’t default on my mortgage; my bank over-loaned. No, no, no, no, I wasn’t stalking that Hollywood actress! I was over-admiring. (laughing) Over-suggested. Here’s what he said, by the way. You want to talk about over-suggesting.

OBAMA: There are 153 structurally deficient bridges that need to be repaired. Four of them are near here on or around the Beltline. Why would we wait to act until another bridge falls? (cheers and applause)

RUSH: Why would we…? The president of the United States knows that bridges are gonna fall and he’s gonna let people die until they pass his bill! He’s “over-suggesting” the danger. So the Raleigh newspaper wanted to know: Where are these bridges? They went out and they can’t find one that is in a state of disrepair. They can’t find one that’s in danger of collapse. Not one! I mean, this is presidential panic. This is Ted Mack and the original amateur hour. That’s precisely what this is.

So Rush has confirmed to the country what the people in the Triangle already knew: this is the only good use for the News & Disturber:

David DeGerolamo


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