Why I Do Not Sign Petitions

“Shall We…Whine and Cry for Relief?”

With the legislative session closed, Washington returned to his beloved haven, Mount Vernon. There he took precious time from his agricultural duties to write other letters propounding his developing political ideas. In one of these, he answered a correspondent who argued that “a humble and dutiful petition to the throne” would produce better results than Virginia’s nonimportation scheme. Fuming, Washington replied: “Have we not tried this already? Have we not addressed the Lords and remonstrated to the Commons? And to what end? Did they deign to look at our petitions? Does it not appear, as clear as the sun in its meridian brightness, that there is a regular, systematic plan formed to fix the right and practice of taxation upon us?… Ought we not, then, to put our virtue and fortitude to the severest test?”

Much more…


I have written too many articles concerning the above statement by George Washington from the book “The Real George Washington”. Petitions today are a means to build a mailing list in which to solicit money. President Washington knew their value and also knew the correct path forward. We also know the path forward for our children and it is the complete removal of evil men from our land.

If you want to petition someone, at least do it right. Petition the Lord with prayer to defeat evil, ensure justice and provide Liberty to our children. We were given a legacy of a great nation once before; let us now stand up against this evil government and fight to regain our righteousness.

David DeGerolamo

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5 months ago

You are right Dave, I have signed to many petitions in my lifetime and nothing, zilch, nada, and nothing ever came from them at all. It was all a money-making scheme to extract dollars from people. every petition that is mailed they are always looking for the donation money to fill their bank accounts. I have stopped signing petitions a while ago and when I do receive them, I put it in trash can where it belongs.

5 months ago

David -- -- Me thinks The Lord was speaking through you in this succinct response to those with facile views about how the system “works”(sic.)……

The 1st Amendment allows redress of grievance but does not protect the petitioners from being targeted for questioning or beseeching the rulers to address redress !!

As an aside: I seem to be one of the early responders to your postings and do not want to be a hog by over responding. Please let me know if I ever become burdensome or trite. I value the discourse and candor your postings bring.

Thank you for what you do to protect and promote Liberty.

This old veteran recognizes and appreciates your leadership….