Why Isn’t Hillary Under Arrest?

Clinton Says She Loves Snapchat Because “Those Messages Disappear All By Themselves”

It’s bad enough that we have a two-tiered system of justice in this country based on the privileges of the political elite and race. But to have Hillary Clinton throw it in our faces? This will not end well.

David DeGerolamo

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9 years ago

Hilary isn’t under arrest because Satan understands the fact of natural law that, “a house divided against itself cannot stand”, unlike most Americans, who still believe that communism/socialism is just another ‘legitimate’ political position.

The battle betwen good and evil has been lost. What we are witnessing now is just the bankers settling their bets after the fight.

Any chance for restoration is a long way off, and those who would work to achieve such an outcome ought to expect to die in pursuit of it. But still, it is the only right course of action for those who still believe that it is their duty to serve God, and therefore to preserve and protect all which is good, true, and beautiful -- even in the face of hardship; even unto death.


9 years ago
Reply to  LT

and to death many of us will go, but not all. The opposition led by satan and his demonic hordes will be toast when its all over with. remember Gods elect will still be standing on this earth at his coming as well as satans children, we will be taken away and the rest will stand for judgement by God. no matter what these evil satanists do it will not prevent Gods people from still being here. so with all the computers, satellite tracking systems, NSA, CIA, FBI jade 15 armies marching against us Christians it wont mean a hill of beans ,God will wipe it all out when they try rounding up his people in mass numbers.