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2 years ago

So today is chicken counting day.

Expectin much change?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

As ABC stated, the red mirage will appear as a victory, but it will take weeks to count the votes.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

image-70.png (480×640) Nov. 7, 1983 three democrats detonated a bomb in the US capitol.

2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Thanks,Tom. Passed it on.

2 years ago

“The Fear of the Lord” -- Handmaid of the Most High

“You allow doctors and politicians to define when murder is acceptable and when it is not and now it is not uncommon for people (staff) at nursing homes and hospitals to take the lives of others as they please. Defining quality of life or lack of quality to be the sole defining standard to be an arbitrary opinion rather than allowing the Creator of all life the power to take a life. Understand that I allow it because I have turned this putrid wasteland called America over to be her own god and you, who are called by my name have sat idly by and allowed such despicable acts to happen without a murmur of complaint or blink of an eye!”

“I have turned you over to the reprobates, you have chosen their path rather than get dirty in a battle for righteousness’ sake. So, do not complain when no one listens as they take every last possession that you own away from you because you stood for no one other than yourself.”
