Why Obama Is Not One of Us

The man who grew up in Muslim schools in Indonesia. The man whose chosen mentor was a known communist and self-proclaimed pedophile. The man who thanked his pot-smoking gang, but not the grandmother who raised him, in his yearbook picture. The man that roomed with Muslim radicals at Occidental College. The man who was President of the Harvard Law Review but who never wrote a law review. The man whose political career started in the living room of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers – by the way, here’s a picture of the President’s sponsor coincidentally taken on the same day that the towers fell thanks to his future National Security Advisors ideological blinders. The man who orders his Attorney General not to secure our borders from armed invasion from narcotics traffickers and then ordered him to sue the states for trying to secure their borders on their own. The man who offered to surrender our missile defense shield to the Russians in exchange for personal political gain – in precisely the same way that Benedict Arnold offered to sell out the defenses at West Point in exchange for personal political gain. The man who with the wave of a finger illegally and repeatedly re-writes his own health care law in reaction to poll numbers. The man who stood in front of the United Nations and gave away our first amendment rights in exchange for the promise that the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam. The man who decided not to attend six consecutive daily intelligence briefings prior to the Benghazi attack, who ignored the pleas for additional security, who ordered the rescue attempt to stand down then watched via surveillance drone as our family members Glen Dougherty and Tyrone Woods fought for two and a half hours in real time, then died on the roof of the Benghazi Consulate and who then went to bed to be fresh for the big Vegas fundraiser the next day.

That guy. What about him? Is he one of us?


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