Why should I help someone that made fun of me because I prepped. Now they want my help and food.

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The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
1 year ago

altruism is nice in the real world, all for it, but inviting ants and roaches to the picnic is not altruism, it’s sadism or worse

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

I have reached the “Fuck ’em” stage of my life.
I’m here for me and mine, and even some of them, aren’t on the boat.

1 year ago

Food is a finite resource. Depending on your location, and who these nay-sayers are, you may need other resources as they need food.
They have a truck, and you may need firewood, and you could barter a load of firewood, delivered and stacked, for a week of food. You will need bodies to help till, plant, weed, water, and ultimately harvest foods, you may need them later on.
They may have medical or dental experience that you do not, so it may be wise to pay it forward helping them out so that they will be receptive to coming to your aid in the future. Help them set up a clinic so that they can barter and not be reliant on you for food.
We will need good people like never before, so some kindness will go a long way to helping anyone willing to put in effort and become useful.

Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
1 year ago

This is always a complex topic. My concern isn’t so much ridicule, more that I will be confronted by neighbours who had more resources than I did, but who spent those resources on what proved, in the long run, to have been foolish things. Case in point: The other day there was a power interruption of some hours, owing to a truck rollover that took out a pole.
Our neighbours, once it began to get dark, asked to borrow a flashlight. This is not the first time we have had the lights go out since they moved in, and they are aware that the grid here is a bit unstable. It is also not the first time we have had this request made of us. The fact that, with two incomes all year they still do not possess a flashlight, is for me an inexcusably irresponsible situation.
How is it my responsibility to supply these people with the things they are too indifferent to provide for themselves? I have worked very hard, with single-minded purpose, to ensure my family will have the things it will need to survive in hard times. Those preparations do not include the feeding and equipping the indolent and the insensate.
I understand the concept of charity, and we have made certain overtures and efforts in this direction. The only thing that has really come of these efforts is the discovery that these people do not even have the means to light their darkness when needed. I am at a loss to explain this, and I refuse to become their keeper. Their comfort is not my problem, and since they bring nothing to the table, I see no percentage in cultivating a situation where I must purchase their goodwill with my family’s resources.
The times we are in only get worse from here on, so it is time to make certain decisions, and arrive at the indicated conclusions, no matter how distasteful or offensive to the spirit. Truth is truth, and right is right.