Why The El Paso Mass Shooting Shouldn’t Surprise You

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5 years ago

Why? Why? Why? The profile of these shooters are all the same. Young, white and male! Could this be part of a mind control experiment to get to what the Left needs?? What is the common “trigger” between these shooters?? Is there a signal, word or phrase that activates these idiots?? There is more to what is going on than we can see from the surface. This goes way beyond spoiled brats who didn’t get a puppy when they were five!!

5 years ago

Doug, not all of the shooters are white males. San Bernardino was two Arabs of Islamic faith. The Virginia navy yard was a black man, the Virginia tech shooter was Asian, and the Ft Hood shooter was Arab of Islamic faith also. As for being Manchurian candidates, maybe however since we know there is a link between anti depressant drugs and fits of rage especially in teens and young adults I would like to know if the shooter, who is 21 years old, is or was recently taking antidepressants. Drug companies even post drug warning lables against giving these drugs to teens. Regardless what matters is what the govt decides to do as a result of the shooting.