From 800 BC to 1950 AD, 97% of the world’s scientific advancements occurred in Europe and North America.
98% of the significant figures were male.
No white males, no modern world.
I’m grateful.
Are you?
End the hate.
Aspire to admire, whatever the race.
— Stefan Molyneux, MA (@StefanMolyneux) December 5, 2018
Although the Arabic culture has given the world some exceptional breakthroughs, the goal of Islam is submission. This submission does not include a modern lifestyle for us heatherns. However, the Muslim culture is an unwitting accomplice (useful idiots) to the powers that want to be.
There is a simple answer why innovation is suppressed: freedom. We are under attack because slavery under a new world order is the goal. And we are not part of the “ruling class”.
David DeGerolamo
David -- -- Your insights are spot on. I look forward to each submission.
Seems like the goal of man’s gov. ‘ALL’ is submission. And there seems to be no end to accomplices, unwitting or otherwise.