Wider War Will Bring Inevitable Attempts At Martial Law In America

By Brandon Smith

Not long ago at the height of fear over the global pandemic the US underwent a change that many people argued would never happen. For years I have heard people say that authoritarian controls in America are “tinfoil hat conspiracy theory” and doom mongering – All the prepping, all the talk of community organizing, all the guns and the gear and the training were for nothing. Then…the covid agenda hit like a freight train.

Our constitutional rights were no longer set in stone, but mere guidelines that government officials could bend or break in the name of “public health safety.” Laws no longer had to be passed through a series of checks and balances; mandates could be implemented as if they were laws without public oversight and enforced unilaterally.

There was talk (primarily among Democrats) of severe punishments for people who refused the pointless covid vaccines. They wanted vaccine passports, they wanted prison time for those that spoke publicly against the vax, they wanted people’s jobs taken away, they wanted their children taken away, and there were even plans to build covid detention centers to segregate and lock up “vax deniers.”

It boggles the mind, but this was serious debate within the US and it was all triggered in the span of a year. Nearly half the country was willing to abandon the Bill of Rights over a virus with a survival rate of 99.8%. The conspiracy theorists were right all along; our freedoms rest on a razor’s edge and preparing to survive and fight for those freedoms is perfectly rational.


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1 year ago

“Finally, martial law is announced, but the soldiers used on American soil to “protect us” from riots and terrorists will be primarily foreign nationals – Illegal migrants given an easy shot at citizenry if they join the military and put the boot down on dissenters, which they will gladly do because they have no cultural attachment to America or Americans. At this stage the constitution will essentially die.”

And Hard Men and Women… will have new employment.

And it will be NASTY.

1 year ago

If one is living in fear then one is calling Christ a liar and God’s promises are void of truth.
Fear, loathing, and turmoil are Satan’s realm. If we live in it then we are no better than those destroyed in Sodom and Gomorrah.
Is that who we are?
I say no! We are NOT! And we will not allow this to continue…
Pray for His return to collect His people, “His Bride”, and let that be soon…

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

If one is living in fear then one is calling Christ a liar and God’s promises are void of truth.

1 year ago

After watching the POLICE STATE movie by Denish D’Souza I am not surprised by this. This will play out like a Matt Bracken novel.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

If you believe in Christ, His Word, His promises, i do not believe “saving america” is at the top of your to do list!

1 year ago

Isaiah 40:15
Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing.

1 year ago

Let them try and behind every blade of grass there will be rifles targeted on them until they weep no more and return from the holes they came up from. They will be stripped naked and all they have on them in the way of weapons will be removed from them as well as there vehicles. My grandparents and parents had to fight under a martial law dictate in Italy and that did not turn out well for the government of Mussolini. Many of his stormtroopers were assasinated and buried. We will see how this group of faggot queers they send to kill us , but it might not go well for them at all.