Words cannot adequately describe the utter horror that was unleashed on the streets of Paris, France on Friday. CNN is calling it “the worst violence witnessed in France since World War II“, and even though it happened a couple of days ago now, many of us are still having a really tough time processing what took place. Somehow, a small group of less than 10 radical Islamists was able to unleash a coordinated wave of attacks that killed at least 129 people and injured at least 350. All of this comes less than a year after the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris, and many in the western world are now starting to understand that something has fundamentally changed. Even though France has a highly advanced anti-terrorism infrastructure, and even though it also has some of the strictest anti-gun laws in Europe, none of that did anything to prevent these attacks. Despite all of our advanced technology, the openness of our society makes us highly vulnerable to Islamic terror. And as more waves of refugees from the Middle East are absorbed by both Europe and the United States, it is inevitable that there will be more attacks like this.
According to Google, the definition of a “soft target” is “a person or thing that is relatively unprotected or vulnerable, especially to military or terrorist attack.” And as we just saw in France, the western world is literally teeming with soft targets. I am talking about sporting events, concert halls, schools, churches, shopping malls, power stations, water treatment facilities, mass transit, etc.
For those that wish to create terror, the opportunities are endless.
In the western world, we generally rely on certain deterrents in order to maintain order. Most sane people do not want to be shot, and most sane people do not want to go to prison.
But what do you do when there are large numbers of crazy people that are actually looking forward to being martyrs?
“But what do you do when there are large numbers of crazy people that are actually looking forward to being martyrs?”
Kill them. Do it in numbers that are on par with the numbers killed in WWII. You kill 70% of them, it will be a long time before they even think about doing it again. Really is there any other choice?
But what do you do when there are large numbers of crazy people that are actually looking forward to being martyrs?
You make them into martyrs in the place of your choosing, and at the time of your choosing, in such great numbers that there are none of them left to celebrate their mass martyrdom.
IOW, Kill them, every last one, everywhere, all at once.
For as David was prepared to deal justly with those who returned evil for good in the wilderness, so should we be -- “And David said: Truly in vain have I kept all that belonged to this man in the wilderness, and nothing was lost of all that pertained unto him: and he hath returned me evil for good. God do so unto the enemies of David, and more also, if I leave of all that pertain to him by the morning light so much as one man-child. “ --1 Kings 25:21~22
In that day, David withheld vegeance because he was approached with remonstrance, even the submission and pleas of a righteous woman. But from this horde of demons called islam there shall be no remonstrance, no submission unto decency, even in exchange for life.
Who suffers a nest of scorpions to live in his house? Leave not even a single one -- not a crying babe from among them -- for the one which ye leave to rise into manhood, shall be the one to sting your beloved child in the bossom and kill him.
I was gonna say everyone of them, but I thought I would go the PC route. I do like the Bible verse. The OT is tells us how to fight a war.
Correct. When the Jews entered the promised land, they were instructed to kill everyone from among the heathen tribes, saving none, because they were worshipers of Satan and their false idols (which were images of demons). Islam is the same -- muslims worship Satan and his fallen angels; thus we must deal with them in the same way -- by utterly destroying them from out of the land.