Wife Suffers Miscarriage Day After FBI Raids Home Over Combat Veteran Husband’s Presence at US Capitol

Christopher Kuehne maintains that he had travelled to the Capitol to protect Trump supporting civilians from Antifa. Inside the Capitol, he was seen on video cleaning up trash before, he says, he helped to clear people out so police could get control of the situation.

Those who wish to help them fight can do so here.

In the early morning of February 11, Kuehne, his pregnant wife Annette, and their four-year-old child were awakened to sirens, cell phone rings, and bursts of colorful lights reflecting through their windows.

“The FBI instructed Chris to come outside immediately. Our 4-year-old was awakened from the chaos. I picked him up and ran downstairs to open the front door. Our house was completely surrounded by armed FBI and law enforcement, armored tactical vehicles, and police vehicles that extended throughout the community. For a second, I didn’t realize that there were about twenty FBI SWAT Team members with SEMI-AUTOMATIC RIFLES POINTED AT MY SON AND I because I was distracted by the bright red lasers pointed at our faces, chests, and various points on my 4-year-old son and I,” Annette wrote in a statement provided to the Gateway Pundit.


I look forward to the day when the trials of everyone who participated in this raid, and every other one like it, begin. Will they try to use a modern-day Nuremberg Defense? “I was just following orders…” Uh huh.

Anyone who is being ordered to perform these raids should think very carefully about what they are doing to fellow Americans. Those of us that survive will remember this.

About Hammers Thor

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Publius Huldah
3 years ago

They may have grounds to file a civil rights action for damages against those involved in this raid under 42 USC Sec. 1983
There are attorneys who specialize if federal civil rights actions.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Publius Huldah

They may have grounds but the courts don’t care about us serfs anymore.

“I look forward to the day when the trials of everyone who participated in this raid, and every other one like it, begin. Will they try to use a modern-day Nuremberg Defense? “I was just following orders…” Uh huh.”

There won’t be. I don’t see people getting mad enough to do it. Remember what happened in Germany? Same will happen here too.

Last edited 3 years ago by NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

You are right. If We weren’t mad enough to start Civil War over the stolen election, ( not referring to some of us) I just don’t see this Country having the balls to stand up to anyone or anything. My God, we have no problem with a song at the Grammy, on National TV, about wet a__ pu$%y, but by God, dont you dare read Dr. SUESS to the kids. This Country is done. And the World knows it.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  Me2

Indeed over and done since the Marxist coup took control. Not many patriots left today, majority are too old/sick now to act. Most have died off in last few decades. There are slim to no patriot men of fighting age today. Nihilism and apathy prevail along w/ cell phone and social media addiction along w/ video games. Majority adults don’t give a hoot about their kids or g’kids, etc. It will be women and girls who will try to resist when military round ups happen.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  Publius Huldah

And we must be OK with tyranny now to let all of this happen. I guess we don’t love freedom enough.

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Those arrested back then were definately cowards/wussies refusing to protect their family.

Lisel Sipes
Lisel Sipes
3 years ago

The FBI (Brown Shirts) are nothing but a collection of Antifa murdering thugs.

Russ Williams
Russ Williams
3 years ago

Since the Captain didn’t break any laws, at any time, the incident falls under “swatting”. So the complaintant, and all downstream LE detritus, are liable.

3 years ago

I’m probably all wet here, but at my age ( mid 70’s )I tend to stay away from big groups like that for any reason,

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  alfie

Even if I was in my 20s again I wouldn’t go anywhere near big groups like that. I am not going to expose myself in a target rich environment.

3 years ago

they weren’t semi auto

3 years ago

HAHAHA..I agree,YOUR GOING TO HAVE TO FIGHT YOUR HERO’S..THEY”VE ALL TURNED ON YOU,YOUR RIGHTS AND THEY ALL LIED WHEN THEY TOOK THEIR OATH..THATS TREASON,but who will lead the charge..I always thought it would be the US ARMY RANGERS ,but I’am not so sure about them anymore..ONE THINGS for sure,THEY will be coming for YOU,YOUR WEAPONS AND YOUR CHILDREN,they love children,just not in a good way..I suggest you remember who they are,TRAITORS…..

3 years ago

THERE IS A MILITARY BOOK FOR THE US ARMY RANGERS,ITS CALLED “AMBUSHES”..I SUGGEST everyone get a copy and READ IT..wheather you like it or not,you’ll get your ass kicked if you fight thee traitors any other way,A HUNDRED YEARS of learning things the hard way in it….

Molly P
Molly P
3 years ago

Where is the man who summoned the patriots of this country to DC on the 6th for his support?! Surely, as there is a just God, he should be donating the lion’s share of contributions/legal defenses for these to these horrific, tragic, devastated families!! What happened to our fearless leader…?!
I think I finally get it.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  Molly P

That man was a change agent or provocateur for sure. Was he a former member of Oath Keepers who got kicked out?

3 years ago

If this is the case…
Then the order Of the day, Return the favor.
Abort 2 of them or There’s.
Thats how this shit works, like it or not, agree with it or not.

This is the Reality the Communists have started and there little Pretorian Guard.

Ya screwdednthe pooch boys
Screwed that Pooch

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

Not enough Americans have the stomach for what it would take to solve a problem like the one we are facing.

a follower
a follower
3 years ago

i read through the comments. i see people who lash out at others for “not doing something.” People who do not know the people they are speaking to (mostly) people who do not know what to do themselves.
i see people who seemingly think a “civil war will fix everything. People who are so upset over an election being stolen. An election that many of us have seen as problematic for years. These “elected officials” all of them, seem placed, more than chosen by the people. The political games are twisted and sick.
Consider Trump. All the false narratives and story lines are well placed and fixed in peoples minds. People want to believe the lies, their ears are tickled by what they are hearing!
Maga!!! Why?
Why would we be Blessed? Did we as a Nation turn back? Has this world changed for the better or the opposite?
We fear who? Do we fear YAWEH or each other?
Many of us are at a belief and were established in our thoughts well before Trump, that Amerika, and many formerly Blessed Nations were in dire need of a Repenting moment, and then, we are in need of changing our ways. As a Nation did this happen? Have we changed?
For four years Trump preached his pride and Maga doctrine. The Nation and the world (a large portion) clung to every word and promise and believed! Just as many did with Obama before. As if these men had been blessed or had the God given power to accomplish their lofty goals. So many of the prophecies and expectations of Trump have failed and still people ride that train as the narrative evolves to fit the real time happenings.
The stock market was thought of as false and manipulated while Obama reigned, yet with Trump many believed! The Jobs Ivanka almost single handed created was astronomical!
The peace Treaty ! How is that going?
This world is being led by hooks in their jaw. The False prophets must be quite pleased!
Evil standing in Holy places! Marriage?
i would not look for Healing until a drastic change happens. i would not count on YAh’s blessings until men’s hearts are converted once again!
war is not the go to answer, people still do not recognize the enemy nor the war we are truly in, and have been in for generations.
Which war solved anything for longevity? we are still arguing all of them it would seem. We have Lies, we have ‘revisionist’ history, we have those pushing these lies, those who are using all of this against anyone searching for the Truth.
There is One and only One answer to all of these things.
Trump- What if this 4 d chess player lost on purpose? Remember how every one talks about just how smart this man is, how clever? Do any of you think he could fall victim to the swamp creatures? (slightly sarcastic) sorry
If and or when Trump rides back in, i would watch with caution, i do not believe in the narratives of this world.
Take care of your own and your own house , perhaps the rest may follow?

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower
a follower
a follower
3 years ago

“Not enough Americans have the stomach for what it would take to solve a problem like the one we are facing.”
How many people have the stomach to face God, His Son, the Almighty?
Sweet to taste but sour when it hits your gut, the people we are , the people we have become. The Truth is a most bitter pill to swallow.

Last edited 3 years ago by a follower
Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
3 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Majority of churches in U.S., thd E.U. and other coutnries gov. controlled and apostate, turned into money pits and social clubs. Sermons very shallow and trash music in churches not hymns of old.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago

You are right. The sermons are all grace.grace. grace. And the music is all about me.me.me. and most importantly pass that plate so we can get out of here and get to the reaturant first! Any time we work with a church thats what we run into. The leaders are into money and shiny thingies and the people mostly dont even want to be there.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  a follower

Good comments Follower .Your second comment was my point exactly. If enough of this nation would get scripturaly right with YHVH there wouldn’t be the need for a fight He would fight for the FUSA. But the way it is He is bringing the reward the FUSA deserves. But it takes alot of stomach to give up your life and surender to ALL of his ways .

3 years ago

Something to keep in mind is they where all tracked by cell phones and/or credit card payments. Think long and hard about traveling and what you take with you and what you should take with you. It is time to ditch that slavery device you call a cell phone. It is time to spend cash when you travel. Do not post your plan or photos on facebook and such. Think before you do things.

3 years ago

There are no laws anymore pretty soon our communities will look like our highways where they drive as they wish knowing no one will stop them when the killing starts there will be no one to stop them.