WikiLeaks To Countersue Democrats; “Discovery Is Going To Be Amazing Fun”

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WikiLeaks has hit back against a multimillion-dollar lawsuit filed by the Democratic National Committee (DNC), announcing over Twitter that they are seeking donations for a counter-suit, noting “We’ve never lost a publishing case and discovery is going to be amazing fun,” along with a link which people can use to donate to the organization.



The Democrats are really that stupid. The filing of this court case will force them to produce documents for the defense which will incriminate the Deep State. The real question: are the people this stupid? The Democrat Party is now bankrupt and on the edge of indictments (over 24,000 sealed indictments are now pending). What will caged animals with nothing left to lose be capable of? We are living in a very dangerous time and most people are not prepared for the immediate future.

David DeGerolamo

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6 years ago

please stop asking “how stupid can these people be??” they are taking it as a personal challenge.