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Pretty sure we have reached the point where the ONLY alternative to abject slavery is a second civil war where we exterminate massive numbers of committed commies and their sycophantic brain dead supporters.
Time to start getting organized. Local and state political power in flyover country.
we are in the “civil war” as we speak.
Fly over country, the “Heartland”
if they get the heart we are finished.
The west and the east,
How long has this Nation and others of the west, been in bed with china?
“Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness?”
That verse is not just for individuals, of this i am certain! Especially a Nation that began with a covenant unto God.
What is “A Great Awakening”?
Do we know why Rome was conquered by Barbarian hordes?
Why do so many of us feel like we are surrounded, a war on many fronts?
We are told evil men will take refuge in and under the mountains. This does not protect them. What are they prepping for? What are they hiding from?
We are told, and forewarned
2Kefe (Peter) 3 10-
10But the day of HWHY shall come as
a thief in the night, in which the heavens
shall pass away with a great noise and
the elements shall melt with intense heat
and the earth and the works that are in it
shall be burned up. 11Seeing all these are to be destroyed
in this way, what kind of people ought
you to be in set-apart behaviour and
12looking for and hastening the coming
of the day of Elohim, through which the
heavens shall be destroyed, being set on
fire and the elements melt with intense
13But according to His promise we
wait for a renewed heavens and a
renewed earth in which righteousness
14So then, beloved ones, looking
forward to this, do your utmost to be
found by Him in peace, spotless and
By all means read, study, ‘immerse yourself in His Word, allow Him to immerse you into His Word.
all of 2 Peter 3 for complete context.
So if we connect the dots to Suspicious observer and what he is exposing in History and science And we also have a look at Revelation 7. we are allowed to see some correlation.
So are we to fear man and his weapons of destruction like so many mega church pastors seem to lead us too, or?
i do not believe mans ability’s to destroy us with nukes and emps can compare with Yah and His very own creation!
Sun Keeps Erupting, Galactic Flares, 1500-Year Cycle | S0 News Feb.8.2022
Let us be aware of many things that are taking place in these times and days.
Posted 7 hr.s ago
What they wont tell you
Solar Storm Strikes Down SpaceX Starlink Satellites
You cannot negotiate with people who want to kill you and or enslave you. your children are targeted as well, I never realized there where this many useful idiots in our Country. It is real simple fight or die.