Will History Repeat Itself?

People have not suffered enough yet in order to stand up. We have much higher taxation with no representation as the nation kneels before the traitors who overthrew the Republic. Couple that with medical tyranny, a failed economy and a devalued fiat currency and we only have two choices: fight or die. We just will not admit it.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

This is what I have been saying all along you either watch your family get raped, your goods pilfered and watching your loved ones get brutally murdered by an illegitimate government, or fight them to your last breath.The problem the patriots have to overcome is fear, once that is removed then all bets are off for this illegal government and there Alphabet agencies.
God help us all if we fail in protecting our own loved ones, in the eyes of God this is a sinful act on our part.

Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Your right Phil, we need to stand and fight.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

How many people even know who their US Senators and Representative is? Or where their offices are? Or better yet, where they live? Where they eat? Their schedule? Each of you out there, figure this stuff out now. Or just type away. Day after day.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Good advice Joe.

2 years ago

The plan all along has been to wear us down and then to destroy us leaving only the compliant parts of the population. The city, county, state, and fed Leo’s are bought and paid for. They enjoy those fat pensions and 100% paid medical plans. As they slowly pick us off (See J6 patriots) the pace will quicken and very soon it will be too late to fight . But , there is always a but . This coming “Winter of our Discontent ” may be the start of serious resistance . A thousand 12 disciples groups in the spirit of Saint Michael . I’m not ready to submit and I ain’t going alone.

2 years ago
Reply to  Buckeyebob

 This coming “Winter of our Discontent ” may be the start of serious resistance”
I think you are right.
Biden and Harris are clearly morons. It is obvious and the whole world knows it. Everything they do is clearly just calculated lies for political gain. Even the Democrat politicians in Congress admit they are just puppets holding the office until the desired leader is maneuvered into place. The democrat working class base will turn on them when the goodies dry up and the rest of the downside affects ruin their lives.
More and more people see the vexx side affects in what had previously been healthy people. If they throw another covid scare this fall, it will been widely seen for the farce that it is and mandated this and that will be ignored. Monkeypox already is seen as a joke despite the emergency declarations. The gay association and refusal to own it by that special bunch will only increase resentment in the general population, which I sense is growing tired of the rainbow agenda being pushed in every corner of human existence at the expense of normal people. If they throw another contagion at us, it damn well better be deadly or it will be obvious to everyone, even the covid cultists, that none of these pandemics have been an accident.
Inflation is only getting worse and people can’t help but see it at the grocery store. Gas may have backed off a little, but just wait. All fossil fuel types will be in short supply and very expensive, if available at all. The green replacement technologies will not meet the need and that will cause some blowback. People who cannot afford to heat their homes will have little love for the green movement that pushed this and the politicians who delivered it. The Euro governments are already predicting social unrest and violence due to this one.
The military is more of a joke with each passing day and it will be obvious how bad they are if they mix it up with anyone who can punch back. The people who can punch back and have a long list of reasons for wanting to know this and are eager for a chance to knock us off. They cannot recruit high quality heritage Americans any longer and have more problems than they can address, even in peacetime. None of these things can be fixed overnight either. They can train to fight near peer enemies at the expense of counter insurgency readiness. They can do the opposite at the expense of having no conventional war deterrence. They will probably try to do it all with fewer and lower quality personnel. I don’t see them winning any wars any time soon. The proxy project in Ukraine seems to be going downhill and it is taking our defense stockpiles and budget down with it. That can’t go on.
With the economy already in recession, a tax assault on the lower and middle class will only drive more people out of the workforce. It is hard to tax people who are not employed, and those who are scraping by on the bottom end with odd jobs, barter, and selling personal possessions are going to take a dim view of being audited. People reduced to the hardscabble lifestyle tend to be a little touchy about accountants and bureaucrats raiding the trailer park for looking for unreported tip money that they already spent of groceries. I bet Manchin will avoid going back to West Virginia for any reason by next Spring.
The border is still wide open, and all of these people are flooding in here looking for free stuff. They are arriving with a sense of entitlement just as we are entering something that could approach the Great Depression in economic terms. I can see former middle class Americans starting to resent them instead of seeing them as an opportunity to virtue signal on Fakebook. I can see the long term American poor, who have been an underclass for decades, turning particularly resentful of the new entitled beggars showing up and setting up camp on their turf. Don’t worry, poor people don’t mind sharing homeless shelters, food banks, and panhandling turf with jibberish speaking strangers in funny foreign clothes. If the begging is not exactly the kind of handout the illegals came here for, they will probably start looking for it in person out in the wealthier suburbs. That should be fun.
Speaking of the border, the drug cartels are still setting new records shipping ever deadlier drugs to us on behalf of the Chinese. It is getting to the point that it is unsafe to smoke pot unless you grew it yourself since it could be laced with Fentanyl. It is a challenge to parse the obituaries for the sudden death reports on young people and try to discern if they died of the Vaxx or from a drug overdose.
Supply chain crisis? I could go on for days. The problem for the regime is that they have arranged all of this chaos to come to fruition at the same time. It now cannot be stopped. Everyone knows who did it and a good deal of those people know they did it on purpose. China, Russia, and Iran may be able to gloat when it all comes down, but I cannot see how anyone from the entrenched power elite can expect to still be standing and keeping up appearances when this is over. I’m not really even talking about civil war here. Even without one, the mountain of hate toward the establishment that will grow out of the policies put into place in the last 2 years alone should ensure that they cannot even safely steal elections going forward. If they just cancel them it will only make it worse.
It should be a winter of discontent indeed.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
2 years ago

With irony in posting this I believe this is the time for many to keep our lips tightly sealed and our voices down. Meanwhile we meet, plan, organize, vulcanize. Let them think we are complying and buying their bullshit. They have no idea just how well-armed and trained many of us are; we’ve been at it ever since the 09 inauguration. Disarming us is not an option, confiscation is a fatal dealbreaker. We desire peace and freedom. And we will wage war on the very depths of hell to keep it. Let this sink in.