Will Hong Kong Lead the Way for Freedom?

Key traffic arteries in Hong Kong remained blocked Monday after a forceful crackdown by police failed to dislodge pro-democracy protesters from the streets of the financial capital.

Police fired volley after volley of tear gas at protesters on Sunday, an unusually heavy-handed response that appeared only to galvanize public support and draw thousands of additional demonstrators into the streets.

The protesters want free and open elections in the Chinese territory, while Beijing has proposed a process that would allow it to screen candidates for the city’s top office.



This is not as large as the 9/12 Washington, D.C. protest. Why is this getting more coverage?

1. Our media and political leaders ignored us.

2. It was one day. Then we went back to our jobs to pay more taxes to fund more tyranny.

3. We did not do any acts of civil disobedience.

4. We obeyed our founding principles. We did not ask for more Liberty only the restoration of our freedom and the rule of law.

5. We did not have the young people supporting Liberty. Whether this was the effect of the Tea Party label smear campaign or apathy, we will not succeed without our children.

David DeGerolamo

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