Will Justice Be Done?

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1 month ago

No, it will not be done by Trump or any republic rat, they are going to let the racist plantation cop get away with the murder because he is under Pelosi’s authority. Johnson the Paul Ryan weasel who is supposed to be in charge of the Police in the capital acts like he is not in charge and the scumbag police are still taken orders from the adrenal chrome queen witch. It’s up to Trump to demand of Johnson a full investigation of the corrupted cops using the DOJ and begin prosecuting these terrorist scumbags in uniform, and he needs to begin with Pelosi and Schumer, if not this isn’t going anywhere.

1 month ago
Reply to  phil1350

Up check.

1 month ago
Reply to  strider777

I second that.

1 month ago

I am absolutely certain that the murder of Ashli Babbitt will eventually be avenged and that justice will finally be done. However, I am also just as certain that it will not be done by the hand of man, but will be done by the hand of God himself.

1 month ago
Reply to  strider777

By the hand of our Lord, I agree with, but with the pieces of pro loving sodomite Marxist trash running the entire DC area won’t happen even under Trump. my example, Trump wants a commission set up on the J6 political prisoners and have Pam Bondi of the DOJ look at each charge for each person, is this guy who we voted for kidding us. He spoke at all of his rallies with all his B.S. he was going to do something to get all these people out of prison once elected. Trump needs to sign a blanket Pardon for all J6’s prisoners with no Commissions, period. Trump needs to begin the process of arresting the ones who put all these innocent people in prison illegally along with their handpicked scumbag criminal run D.C. judges who approved of all the fake and trumped-up charges with no trials and put them all in jail. I want to see the judges along with all the cops, the heads of FBI and the heads of the DOJ in prison for 50 years beginning with Garland the Willard looking rat pervert Ashkenazi jew.

tom finley
tom finley
1 month ago
Reply to  phil1350

It will be more hearings, no way out but through.

1 month ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom, There will be no way for all of them once the blue states call for secession which they are all discussing in their communist statehouses, don’t put it beneath to begin that process because they hate Trump and the Maga folks so much they will force themselves to spin off and I say get the hell out now and why wait. We will watch all of them self-destruct in less than 6 months with their perverted felon illegal alien armies they imported. to hell with all of them and stay the hell out of my way and my face or else.

1 month ago
Reply to  strider777

“Vengence is mine, says Yahweh our Elohiem.” But He is the master at subcontracting…

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
1 month ago

No one will be punished for her death, But God Has A White Throne Judgement For Those Types of Evil.

1 month ago
Reply to  Al Buckner

Yes, God does. I almost feel sorry for the lowlife excuse for a human being that murdered Ashli Babbitt and all of the treasonous and treacherous D.C. scum that whitewashed, covered-up, and falsely justified his despicable crime. When God is done with them, they all will lie down in torment…forever!

1 month ago
Reply to  Al Buckner

Yes, and True, but God many occasions has let the evil ones live to a ripe old age as they continue in their wicked deeds and murder of innocent people. We can see this with so many of these evil billionaires, politicians, government deep state workers, murdering thugs, etc. live long lives as well. Jonah asks that question when speaking with God of why he just didn’t eradicate the Ninevites, and he had to teach Jonah that even in the midst of the wickedness some do come to repentance.

1 month ago

Romans 12:19 KJV
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord

Diva of Dance
Diva of Dance
1 month ago

When did Ashli Babbitt die? Up on the landing where she was shot, or in the ambulance, or in the hospital? Is it protocol to carry a gunshot victim with a neck wound down the stairs with her head lower than her feet? Is it protocol to give chest compressions on a gunshot victim with a neck wound as she’s being carried on a stretcher bouncing up and down? Why was her body cremated within 3 days of the incident and without the knowledge of her parents? Never stop asking questions.