Will This Be The Year Of The UnVaxxed? Nothing Will Stop What is Coming Now Except The Elimination Of Either Us Or Them.

Well I hope all you Renegades had a wonderful Christmas holiday. Mine was nice even though my wife had to work both Christmas Eve and Day.

My mother would only do Christmas with my family if we stayed outside or wore mask. I told her that I refused to participate in that insanity and hoped she had a good Christmas, but I would not be coming. According to her and our “government”, I’ve never wore a mask, I’ve never social distanced, and I will never take this “vax”, it’s been 2 years, I’m supposed to be dead by now. Yet here we are, I haven’t even had so much as a cold in these 2 years of death. Anyway my wife took the kids to see her because I wouldn’t withhold that from my kids. She told my wife that she guessed she would just donate my Christmas presents. Makes me laugh. So be it. Despite all that, I still had a good Christmas. I’m about 6 pounds over the weight I like to be, so I’ll get to losing that soon. Way too much good food over the last month.

So what next? It seems that TPTB are going to continue down this path of demonizing and blaming the worlds problems on us unvaxxed folk. When do we push back? Do we push back? Do we wait until it’s too late? Will the economy tank after the New Year? Will we keep just slowly trudging along until facing certain death anyways? I’m terrible at forecast, and it seems nobody else has any ideas as to what they’ll throw our way next.

What I wouldn’t give to be able to quit watching/reading the news. Oh how nice it must be to be oblivious to the evil we are faced with. These evil powers that be, are dead set on getting their poison into everyone, one way or another. I don’t think they understand just what they are about to unleash. Do you really think the Supreme Court is going to save you? This is the long dark winter approaching that they have been talking about, certain death for us unvaxxed according to the “government”. Bad things are coming. Everyone who is awake knows it. Everyone who is awake can feel it in their gut.

So if you feel the way that I do, you know that nothing is going to stop it now except the elimination of either them or us. They have successfully divided us. They are going to get their war to end all wars, because they just won’t leave us alone to live our lives as we see fit. I am prepared to not only defend myself, I am prepared to be proactive. The warning siren is about to sound. Don’t hesitate when it does. You’ll know.


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3 years ago

Be Encouraged.
I am 73 and doing just fine. Same issues going on in my family. Mass hypnosis continues into 2022. I am very clear about my decisions to be autonomous. Not every elderly person has been brainwashed.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Like Jane said, you are not alone. If this is some of the pain I must endure to be a free man, then so be it. What concerns me is the fight that is over the horizon. If this clot shot continues to kill/maim our family, friends & the children how will the anger manifest itself? The real pain may still be unrealized.
May the good Lord keep you safe Wes

Last edited 3 years ago by oldtimer505
3 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505

It’s definitely ready to boil over on these tyrants Wes.
The complicity of so many is disgusting, and we have zero trust of anyone that does these jobs now. Things must change!
Wes, be happy the true colors are shining now. This will separate the weak from the faithful and willing. Also, many other great silver lining from the FEAR psyop.
THEY HAVE NO FAITH, They will lose for sure!
2022 should be interesting to say the least folks.
Merry Christmas and happy new year🇺🇲💪

3 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505

Sorry i wrote to Wes in reply old-timer.. you are correct though, its manifesting into fury in many I’d say

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

FedUpFLman, not a problem and no need to apologize.
Have a great up and coming new year everyone.

3 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505

Never forget for one moment the Lord is walking with you.

Val Valiant
Val Valiant
3 years ago

Hey Wes,
First time here, just subscribed the other day. You are right. I also NEVER wore a face diaper or got any clot shot. Yes, it’s coming…they hate us and we know it. I’m in SC and unemployed and seems like employers are looking for employees who agree with the lie. It’s tough, wish I had more like-minded patriots/friends nearby.

Val Valiant
Val Valiant
3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Thank you!

3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Gentlemen, my wife and I relocated from the big city up to a very rural county in the heart of the Arizona mountains over 13 years ago. Where we live now, in our full-time Retreat home, we have water from our well, a year-round spring-fed creek along our property line, and our neighbor across the creek raises organic beef cattle.

We have plenty of heirloom seeds stored up, a long growing season, plenty of water, and every other neighbor in our tiny town has either a backyard garden, a small orchard, or both. Our town grows so much food each year that every harvest is either sold, canned, eaten locally, or given away to those that need it. With all of the cattle ranches here, we will have plenty of fertilizer for decades to come. Our town produces a surplus of good garden veggies and fruit every year.

I am blessed to have married a fellow Prepper, as my wife was raised as a coal miner’s daughter in the mountains of Virginia.

We have been stocking up and getting ready since before we moved up here to the mountains. We are stocked up on everything that we could think of, including but not limited to long-term storable food, medicines, medical supplies, and the means to keep them in our own hands, against those who might wish to take them from us by force.

For the past 12 years, I have worked from home over the Internet, doing independent contract work like Support and Sales. It is not glamorous and the pay is somewhat less than I would make in the city, though I still make more than most in our tiny town. Not having to pay to commute means we have more to spend on our preps.

I have built up my reputation as a freelancer to the point where I no longer have to search for new clients. New clients have been reaching out to me to come work for them. I turn down two or three new contracts every week. I will keep working and paying the bills until the grid goes down, and then I have some other ideas about how we could offer Security services to earn or barter a living.

I am a former Infantry soldier and Paratrooper, so I was certified as an expert in Light Infantry Tactical Operations by the Infantry School at Ft Benning, Georgia. I haven’t forgotten any of my training, and I have trained civilian volunteers to prevail upon the battlefield, should the need for that ever arise.

We are quite well equipped and supplied to field a Squad-sized force of volunteers. We have enough arms, ammo, uniforms, tactical field gear, and radios on hand. We had planned to double that to two Squads, but I do believe that the band has started to play, and the Dance is about to begin.

We are involved with a local group of Preppers who meet once per month for the purpose of mutual support and aid in the event of a grid-down scenario. Most of them are not trigger-pullers, but we are all on the same two-way radio net once per week. The guy who organized the group bought enough handhelds for everyone, so anyone who wanted one or more was able to buy directly from him.

My wife and I are both licensed Amateur Radio Operators and we have the equipment to talk across the county or around the world.

Our goal has been achieved, and we are now situated to not only survive what is coming, but to thrive afterwards. I encourage everyone to do the same. We will need Patriots to take the lead in rebuilding our nation afterwards.

Aim Small, Miss Small.

Last edited 3 years ago by ArizonaMilitia
3 years ago
Reply to  ArizonaMilitia

Well done! I am jealous for sure.
Sounds amazing, and i envy your head start. Got some good young boys? LMAO i have 3 badass daughters to barter. Jk…but nowadays i kinda get the arranged marriage. I worry what good men will even be left. Sad…

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

My wife has a daughter from a previous marriage who is “on board” with everything that we have done and are doing. Her boyfriend (hopefully our future son-in-law) is on board as well, and he is a former US Army Cavalry Scout (19D), so he gets tactical gifts from us every Christmas. 😀
They are both young, fit, and healthy. She worked as a Wildland Firefighter for a while, and they are both equipped with the right tactical irons, so she can kick butt as well as he can.
They live too far away for our comfort, so we have been encouraging them to make the move up here. We have a spare bedroom that they stay in every time that they visit, so they know that they will have a place here anytime, but we would love for them to find there own place here in town. It’s a great place to live.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  ArizonaMilitia

So many of you are overlooking some major issues.
There may not ever be a shooting war, unless it’s for the elites entertainment. Most of us will probably die without ever cracking open an ammo can. Mass starvation and poisoning are much easier on large populations, and they already have the approval of most of the vaxxed liberals, the media brainwashing has been a success for the vax.. Cleansing the earth this time will be a good thing. They fucking hate us with all their being.
Big Brother has a huuge bag of tricks to choose from, they can drone your ass 75 miles out in the country or in the middle of town (remember the last 2 census when they GPS’d your front porch?), they can poison you in your sleep with aerial spraying, poison your water supply or even your fresh produce, so why waste any bullets on insurrectionists? Most of this was in the manual 50 yrs ago, nothing new, except for a drone rocket. There’s other things like radiation and sound that you haven’t even heard of, so either start thinking outside the box or be mighty surprised one day. Shooting it out in the driveway is a 3’pers wet dream, nothing more. When they decide to hit, it won’t be announced, and the cops and neighbors will be right there to watch.
Our own families and friends are betraying us every day, trust no one, and be prepared for ugly and violent seperations. And above all, the hero you’re looking for is in the mirror.

3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Excellent comment.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

I really don’t care about their bag of tricks, your reality that the big bad ass government is something that cannot be defeated is not true. I do not care that they can drone a gnats ass or me, the bad ass is the American warrior from my experience, your fear of the commie state is well noted, probable helps you sleep better.

3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Would this be the same Big Brother gooberment that was unable to prevent a small group of illiterate goat-humpers from taking over the entire nation of Assblamistan??

We are far more concerned about the scarecrow Zombies and gang-bangers who might make it up here from Phoenix before the gas stations stop selling gasoline. I reckon that we have enough to send their kind to their Eternal Celestial Dirt Naps, though.

Anyone down there that we already know, who plans to retreat alongside us, knows how to get here and how to identify themselves to our “gate guards” who will be standing to at each of the two paved highway entrance points to our little town.

After the gas stations close down, there is no way for a human being to carry enough water to make the 30-mile uphill hike on foot along the Interstate from Deer Valley to the first point where they might be able to get any water. Especially not during the summer, when the sun beating down on the volcanic rock canyon walls on either side of the highway turn the pavement into a griddle. Those who try that are gonna expire long before they get to the roadblock checkpoints that will be up by then.

Drones are of concern, but not so much where we live. There are more Mule Deer, cows, goats, and chickens in our area than there are people. Lots of heat signatures to try to distinguish from Patriots. Besides, those drones will be needed a lot more in the more heavily Democrook-infested parts of the USA. The Goobers will want to eradicate their useful idiots first.

Aerial spraying would have little effect here, as the mountain winds blow all the frigging time and the terrain is just not that suitable to Chemical Warfare. CW gas is all heavier-than-air by design, so it would just roll downhill from here. I completed the US Army’s course on NBC Defense, so I know a bit about it.

Still, we are fully equipped with everything we need, from full MOPP gear to dosimeters and radiation survey meters, enough to equip an Infantry Squad. Besides, CW agents are destroyed by sunlight, and we enjoy plenty of year-round sunshine here in Arizona.

How does your NBC Defense look, Buttercup?

Our “neighborhood” is our entire little town, which includes all of the agricultural properties and the largest state-operated fish hatchery in Arizona. That place stocks our year-round creek every week during the summer. Fishing is amazing around here. Several of our neighbors plan to keep the fiah hatchery going after the feces impact the oscillating ventilator.

Poisoning the creek would be pretty pointless, as it is spring-fed. Poisoning our aquifer would be pointless as well, as it is also spring-fed. Any poison would all wash downhill pretty quickly.

We also have plenty of well water already in sealed containers, enough to last my wife and I for a month.

BTW, my wife chased every single Census worker off of our property, screaming at the top of her lungs that those retards should have read the NO TRESSPASSING signs at our front gate. They were so terrified of her that they beat feet most ricky-tick. If they had time to GPS anything, it was done from outside of our front gate.

Yes, the mega-city shithole-dwelling Libtard Democrook Fruit Bat Control Freak Collectivist Cünts all hate our guts. So what? They are never going to love us, no matter what we do.

They are certainlly going to hate us even more after we have been eating venison steaks, trout, and home garden veggies long after they have been reduced to eating rats, pigeons, their neighbors’ pets, and eventually their Libtard neighbors.

What else ya got, Skippy?

Last edited 3 years ago by ArizonaMilitia
NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

So if they decide to starve us (they are already poisoning people with their shitshot), you won’t shoot back? If I am starving, I am shooting.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Glad you back Rob, missed your comments.

3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

If you think the government cannot be defeated you are blind. All it takes is us shooting corrupt politicians and their cronies, local, state and federal. When they can’t leave their bunkers in Washington because they are targeted anywhere they go, and yes, it is coming to that (except for local/state tyrants, they are just fucked and can be considered walking dead). They will fear us and eventually, we will take them all out. We outnumber them. As far as a drone strike, they will quickly lose their “pilots” when they go home or shop or go out to eat and are targeted for removal and if they are lucky, their families will be left alone. As far as I’m concerned, if you turn your back on the constitution and Americans, your family will pay for your treason. If we can’t get them, we go after what matters to them. Anyone not willing to do what needs to be done is a fucking pussy. And if we wait to much longer to do what needs to be done, we will lose. Good people now have to do bad things. But the time for that has not come yet.
look, I am all for trying a peaceful way to take back the country, but we need good people to run for office, everything from your school board to state congressmen. But that may take far longer to accomplish before they have their entire control apparatus enabled which will make our mission that much more difficult. And if they cheat again in 2022, and there isn’t this red wave, then it’s time for the former proposal rather than the latter. In 2023 or even after the elections in November 2022, we may be in civil war or revolution. I think revolution as more and more people are waking up and seeing the tyranny taking place and the fast progress toward communism.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Oldpatriot

I am hoping it goes hot before another election, it does not matter who we elect at this point, I did not want what is happening in this country, I would rather be left alone to live as I choose. But the fight is coming and the sooner the better.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

It will go hot over the next election. They’re screwed on the midterms and they know it. The fraud will have to be enormous, it will be obvious. They are already floating the idea of not-seating elected officials over bogus charges surrounding Jan 6th. The coup is in-motion, not a start/stop event.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  Oldpatriot

None of you have lifted a finger to do anything whatsoever, yet beat your chests every day how tough you are. Some of you also appear to be on the lower half of the redneck IQ scale, but masters of Kung Fu and knife fighting to boot.
I never said I wouldn’t shoot, you’re accusing me of cowardice. I didn’t become a Recon Marine by being a pussy. I’ve been trained by guys in Seal Team 2, UDT-21, worked and trained with 1st,5th, 7th, 10th and 19th SFG, went to Counter Guerrilla Warfare School at Ft. Bragg, NBC School, and have just a vague idea how this shit works. And I just happen to live out in the middle of nowhere, for a reason. My neighborhood is full of guys like you, tough talk and not the vaguest clue what to do if it really blows up in their face, never once in their lives have they set up an ambush or set up defensive positions, or worked with any group of people where they had to take orders, but they sure talk a tall line of bullshit. Yeah, I’m familiar with your kind, and you can call me all the names you want, but not for 1 second do I have to hang my head over a lack of knowledge or my 9 yrs of service.
Most of you however, appear to be blowhards, who never studied the first thing about warfare or Sun Tzu. Chest beating how tough you are, and never taking into consideration we are already circling the drain and you’re still bragging what you will do after they handcuff you. If it’s so easy to overthrow an evil gov’t, why are the Chinese still Communist? What about the Soviet Union, or Vietnam? They had access to shitloads of guns, just like you. And it all went south anyway, because one side wanted to win a bit more than the great American couch potato.
Lotsa luck with that chest beating guys.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

You keep stating that your the only one with any experience and on and on. Nobody is beating their chest and stating they are the number one bad ass. I served my country faithfully, I have had a copy of sun Tzu longer than you have been alive. I don’t claim to be bruce lee, and as far as redneck low IQ it seems you have an ego the size of Texas. I have plenty of friends that are a lot more experienced in warfare than any of us here. Nobody is asking you to hang your head in shame. All you can do is criticize and belittle any one else that may no something, get over yourself take a long look in the mirror what do you see.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Wow, you call me a coward and gov’t stooge, then do a 180′ now with this comment when I defend myself?
I hope your Sun Tzu predates Dien Bien Phu.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

I did not do a 180, you obviously don’t understand what you read. I am just another loud mouth citizen opposed to the communist regime that now holds our country hostage.

3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

For you, the war is over. We ask not your counsel or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countryman.

Concerned Human
Concerned Human
3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Hi Wes—you’re a real stupid piece of garbage. Stop filling my sister’s head with this shit. She is a wonderful person but has moderate cognitive development issues and tends to really latch on to what her “friends” think. She seriously believes you and these other idiots are her friends! You bastards are filling her head with garbage and contributing to her vaccine hesitancy. I’d really like to see my beloved sister live and not have a head full of childish pseudo-intellectual drivel so please shut the fuck up.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Which federal agency is paying you to bloviate your piss ant rants. You obviously need some mental health treatment, who is forcing your sister to read, listen to anything.

Concerned Human
Concerned Human
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I wish I was getting my paid for this. Would be a fun side gig. Engaging with you on here—though tons of fun—surely is a sign my struggle for improved mental health has hit a snag…I’ll give you that. I wish it was as simple as someone forcing her to read or listen to hateful dopes on the internet—then I wouldn’t have to futilely bicker with the likes of you.

3 years ago

go back to sleep and shut up

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

You obviously have no friends accept the ones you can pay to listen to your claptrap BS, get back to facefuck or twatter where you belong, your IQ has probable fallen below that 50 percent level after the kill shot.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

I’m not sure if you are schizophrenic or have multiple personalities (or if this happened due to all of the shitshots you took). No one knows wtf you are talking about. Maybe let your sister log in and explain it to us?

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

You need to come to grips that you belong to the uniparty of mass killers, I say uniparty because we only have one party. The party of Pol Pot, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Adolph Hitler. You must accept that you are what you are.

Stealth Spaniel
Stealth Spaniel
3 years ago
Reply to  Val Valiant

Start your own business. Get an Etsy account going, do something on the internet, set up Instagram and drum your business. I have a friend who does caretaking of animals while people go on vacation:cats, dogs, horses, whatever. She makes a really good living. If you are handy, give the state their tax money and get a license. I have learned that you are far better off being self employed than working for someone else. Good Luck to you.

3 years ago

I could not agree more. I have been self-employed since 2012, and I would never go back to working for anyone else.
Pretty soon, self-employment is going to be the only form of employment outside of becoming a slave in one of those Vaxxintration Camps or becoming one of the moles, snitches, and spies for the Big Brother Control Freaks of Big Gooberment.

Dana Henry
Dana Henry
3 years ago
Reply to  Val Valiant

Val, just an idea that worked for me.
I don’t know SC well but if you have any kind of Commerical Fishing I’d camp on the docks and try to get hired on. I did that for my first job. After you get a rep capts come looking for you.
24/7 eat, crap, come back. I mean really camp. Sometimes I slept in the bed of a pickup. Even if you have zero experience you might get tapped to be a Wiper. Anyone can learn the deck ropes of fishing.
Fishermen families, even during depressions, always have money and are never hungry. We’re the last of the hunter-gatherers. We obey laws that are convenient which means we don’t wear masks or take clotshots.

3 years ago
Reply to  Val Valiant

You do brother! You do

Concerned Human
Concerned Human
3 years ago
Reply to  Val Valiant

Just wear a mask and provide for your family snowflake.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

That mask your wearing is like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain link fence comrade.

3 years ago

Atta boy Wes. You know some of us here in Missouri are doing recon and watching as well. My family is the same way; some drink the Kool aid and some don’t. Unfortunately, lotta pent up anger about to be unleashed. Just like what they’re doing to Russia right now, they’re doing towards us, not content to let people be, they keep pushing until they cause the eruption. They started it, but they won’t finish it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Amen! Passing through Misery now.. lol Jk it ain’t bad here man.. except that East St. Louis part though unbelievable dump!! Nice land but ghost town.
We are in it together, but now they trying to divide the “Trumpers” for sure. They are shatting in pants, and need more division..it will backfire!

3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Some of Trumper can be woken is my guess, not sure about other’s though. Unbelievable, but maybe this was needed

Max Havoc
Max Havoc
3 years ago

If Americans haven’t stood up already they never will. Your dreaming if you think that Americans have any fight or courage left in them for the most part. We let the government shut down our businesses, take our jobs, keep us from traveling, stop us from going to church or seeing loved ones in the hospital. Not to mention the stolen election and now the invasion at our borders. If anyone drew a line it has been crossed and pissed on. I had faith early on that Americans would fight back hard against the mandates but to my surprise the sheep just lined up for the wolves to devour. When this thing started I went to Home Depot, where there was a line around the parking lot of mask wearing cowards waiting to be allowed entry. I protested mask less pleading with everyone to act like Americans, telling them to remove their masks and enter the store to shop. The people in line mostly grown ass men put their heads down and backed away from me like I had the plague, not one of them joined me.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  Max Havoc

Picture in your mind: tall man, well over 6’. Also BIG, solid build. Bearded, leather bandana around tattooed neck, studded leather bracelets on each tattooed arm, leather jacket or vest, leather chaps. Humungous (sp?) boots, fierce looking —- wearing a mask. Challenged me for being too close (remember the 6’ rule?) -- in a supermarket aisle. (Me, no mask, 73, i.e., in our current times, elderly, but healthy looking). This was shortly after the lie was dispensed, 2020. I knew THEN “IT” was, for all intents and purposes, over. (And, there is no protection. This relative to another post re male protection of “the weaker.” A very, very sad thing.)

Rick Davis
Rick Davis
3 years ago
Reply to  Max Havoc

You’re wrong in your assumptions!

Max Havoc
Max Havoc
3 years ago
Reply to  Rick Davis

How so? Look at what our government and the EU has put people through over the last 2 years. Where are the massive protests in the streets? Hell, School boards are having people arrested for disagreeing with them over their children’s education. Australia has basically rounded up all of its black people and put them in camps, where’s the outrage? Our government is clearly trying to destroy our currency turning us into a 3rd world country. Big cities are allowing criminals to run amuck terrorizing law abiding citizens. Police officers are stomping on American flags. What is it going to take to get people into action? Is everyone waiting for the government to show up at their doors? Once we get to that point is way to late.

3 years ago
Reply to  Max Havoc

We should roll over and die of some “Sars/Ebola mix” instead of killing the tyrants. Sounds fun!
I’ll fight

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  Max Havoc

He’s another wannabe Rambo, will take them all on when he’s finally had enough of being pushed around. So far, not a peep however.
I’m constantly hearing his kind of chest beating from someone who propbably never spent 1 hour in uniform. All tough NRA republicans who never once put their ass on the line for their tribe, but tomorrow, instant Rambo.
Getting tired of being browbeaten by his kind, never once even practiced an ambush or riot control I’ll bet.
PS, we lost one of our greatest SpecOps warriors last Sat, Richard Marcinko passed away at 81. I was an Amphib Recon instructor when he led Seal Team 6 down the road from our boat house. Fair winds, Commander Marcinko.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

The current tribe of treasonous military brass also hide behind their coat of arms, they would have us surrender and not resist as well, fuck the current brass in charge of the military. Maybe your friends in high places could arrange that drone strike for you.

3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Rest in Peace, CDR Marcinko.

For the rest of us, “the only easy day was yesterday“.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  ArizonaMilitia

Oh FFS I just read this. Wow, Rest in Peace, CDR Marcinko.

3 years ago
Reply to  Max Havoc

The Way of Things in the overcrowded, polluted, diseased, filthy, Democrook-infested mega-city shìtholes is not how things are out in the rural parts of our nation.

My wife and I moved out of the big city and up to our full-time 2-story Retreat home in the heart of the Arizona mountains over 13 years ago. Since then, we have become a part of our unique little mountain community.

Our little town is not incorporated, so there’s no Police force to deal with. Folks around here know that callilng 9-1-1 will result in a 45-minute wait for a Sheriff’s Deputy to show up (on a good day), so most don’t bother callilng unless it’s a medical emergency. Fortunately, our local Fire Station can respond with an EMT crew in less than ten minutes most of the time.

Our county’s Sheriff’s Deputies have always been courteous, respectful, and a pleasure to deal with every time I have had any interaction with them. I even bought one of my Glocks from one of our Deputies in a private sale, what we refer to here in Arizona as a “rain forest friendly transaction”. Nice guy to do business with.

I know someone who has had direct dealings with our county Sheriff, and I have been informed that he is “on board” with resisting any Fudderal Gooberment attempts to enslave our county’s population. As his predecessor put it, our county’s law enforcement “don’t want to get shot”.

The largest firearms retailer in Arizona is just over the mountain from us at the County Seat. They have been happily equipping our county’s citizens with scary black tactical firearms, cases of miltiary surplus ammuntion, and crates full of standard-capacity magazines for decades. We live in what is arguably the best-armed county in America.

We are at least better-armed than our County Sheriff’s Office will ever be, and they all know it.

Last edited 3 years ago by ArizonaMilitia
tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  ArizonaMilitia

Mohave County Sheriff’s Office Lip Sycn Challenge -- YouTube our current sheriff, listen you will hear him mention sheriff Lamb another constitutional sheriff.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago
Reply to  Max Havoc

There are huge protest in Europe. In Berlin over 1000,000 people demonstrated against the COVID lockdowns and the clot shot passports. Multiple protests in Italy and the UK. As more families have members die or experience horrible direct effects from the clot shot you will see more pushback and resistance. The war of Northern Aggression took approximately 15 years of federal abuse before the first shots were fired. The light of truth is now shining on the medical tyrants, and millions of people are waking-up. The false narrative of fear marketed by Big Pharma, Gates, Fauci, CDC, NIAID, WHO, Big Tech, Harvard, University of North Carolina, government legacy media, Giant Banks and corrupt NATO / China governments is coming apart like a wet tissue. Keep in mind, that Act V (Justice will come, it always does). A dark future awaits all who pushed the bio-weapon virus and the bio-weapon clot shot. Also, America is not Europe. America still has millions of independent well armed people. These people have been preparing. They are slow to anger but once their anger is triggered it will be incredibly difficult to extinguish.
Who is John Galt?

3 years ago
Reply to  Max Havoc

Good comment.

3 years ago
Reply to  Max Havoc

Max….never say never.

3 years ago
Reply to  Max Havoc

Sheeit.. you’d love Florida!
Keep it up

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

We know they will not stop, they are trying to garner enough support to use force, what they want cannot be accomplished without it. I am an old vet and feel the same as you, are there enough of us I don’t know, but the oath I took in 1968 is still valid and so help me God I will stand and fight to my last dying breath. Mercy will not be a viable option once it starts.

Last edited 3 years ago by tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

You inspire me Tom Fin! Love it! Let’s roll

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

Thank you FedUpFLman, I appreciate all you have to say, do not listen to the people trying to tell you that we don’t have a chance against the big bad ass government. The American warrior is the bad ass, I don’t care if they can drone a gnat in my back yard, if it turns hot we will see.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  FedUpFLman

I noticed a new person in the area walking up and down the street, if it looks like a fed and walks like a fed it probable is. He would not look our way when we were sitting on the porch, I noticed him one day when he was walking and he stopped at my neighbors and my fence line, he was facing my property and had what looked like a phone. He was probable putting in gps coordinates. Am I worried not a bit, have not seen him lately, just need to stay alert.

3 years ago

The unvaxxed are now the VC.
That is all.

3 years ago
Reply to  bill

Now, ‘we are the Jews.’

fed poast
fed poast
3 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

as someone commented in another thread …

you really are your own worst enemy.
Patriot bowel movement is very accurate.
The fact that you have ZERO idea (((what))) I’m referring to proves it.
The few really “in the know” on here know exactly what I’m talking about

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  fed poast

It is not hard to reason what you are talking about, mein kampf.

Stealth Spaniel
Stealth Spaniel
3 years ago

Sorry that your mother, of all people, acted that way; but the brainwashing has been constant and unrelenting. I had a neighbor that I had a disagreement with and I literally escorted her OFF of my property due to her selfish harping on my lifestyle. I have dogs you see and that is just a nuisance to her needs. My dogs go nowhere without me, so they don’t run the neighborhood, nor do they bother anyone. 3 years later, and I thought, okay. Let’s bury the hatchett, which I will willingly use, and start fresh. So I took over a bottle of wine (so California) and wished her a Merry Christmas. “Chris” invites me in to the foyer, snatches that bottle of vino, and heads to put it into the fridge. I complimented her on her decorating-not that I moved from the foyer-and said she did a nice job. The woman than turns to me and says: “I know you’re not vaccinated. I don’t know why and I don’t need to know why, but I can’t have unvaccinated people in my home.” Literally, I open mouthed stared at her. Such insanity on display. I left immediately. How she knows I haven’t been vaccinated, not that I’m hiding it,but my yellow star isn’t sewn on all my clothing yet. So, she will enjoy the wine from the unclean, but can’t associate with them. This same numbnut rented a booth in the antiques fair shopping area 3 weeks ago to sell stuff. Did she not think that the unclean were there? The world has literally gone insane.

3 years ago


Her mentality is indicative of propaganda pounded into her from every source, relentlessly. She is one of the many sheeple in this once great nation.

Remember this….One cannot reason with the unreasonable.

Do the best you can in this New Year 2022 SS.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
3 years ago

Many folks are too old to be combat ninjas. Here’s an idea for them during spicy time. Get yourself some matches and road flares. Burn, baby, burn!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

I have been turning my body into a weapon since the early 80s, practicing martial arts, seems the time is right for just such an event. Armed to the teeth, willing able and ready to send my mortal enemy to his grave, I say mortal enemy because that is what the commie state has declared me. So be it, any attempt at this point to arrest or detain me will be met with lethal force.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

You’re a great candidate for a drone attack, why take on a Bruce Lee when you can use a button.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

I am not worried one bit about the big bad ass government, you think they are the all powerful cannot be defeated, all the guys I know in my area some withh 5 or more tours of combat differ on your point of view. As far as me being a ninja, if and when it gets down to hand to hand combat it may give me an edge who knows. I don’t underestimate anyone, I really don’t care if they can drone a gnats ass in my back yard. Most people are not ready for whats coming how about you.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

Maybe you could drop some flyers from your Cessna telling everyone to surrender, just saying.

Glypto Dropem
3 years ago

I “missed out” on two Christmas gatherings for being “JAB FREE.” So be it, since I am more than happy to just be left alone. My wife was allowed to go, even though under the current standard she is no longer considered “fully vaxxed” because she only got the single J&J jab back in May. IMHO… kinda hypocritical on everyone’s part, but I won’t be the one dying of stroke, heart attack, organ failure, or some horrible cancer.

Last edited 3 years ago by Glypto Dropem
Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
3 years ago

Within 5 years we should know if the Vax is really going to kill off a bunch of our foolish neighbors.

3 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe


We do not HAVE five years to wait.

The communist biden and his cabal of traitors have erased our national borders. Millions of global trash have inundated what once was a nation simply by walking in. And the comgov of biden is welcoming them. No borders. No country.

Patriot Citizens are being disparaged by the illicit “government” ensconced within the District of Communists. The 535 lowest forms of human life you know as CONgress have done nothing to remove the usurper biden and his Marxists from control. Along with the CONgress and every 3-letter comgov agency the judiciary is also compromised. The voting booth is no longer. And on and on and on….

Try to organize 1 or 100 like-minded Americans.

Make Peace with the Lord Joe.

Verify your zero.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Delta3two

You bet, that is what we are doing in NW Az getting ready, the big bad ass government isn’t all that, fear and propaganda only goes so far, we will see when it goes hot.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
3 years ago
Reply to  Delta3two

The Vaxxed are already dropping like flies. We won’t need the whole 5 years.

Concerned Human
Concerned Human
3 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

You don’t have to wait 5 years—the vaccines aren’t going to kill your neighbors. You’re just confused because you’re a dumb schmuck.

brian donley kozak
brian donley kozak
3 years ago

I’m 61 ex military have been training since September Full combat loadout 4 miles a day hopefully by spring I’ll be at 10 Miles a day not as good as I once was but definitely ready to rock’n roll

3 years ago

Mr. Kozak,

May I suggest you consider good, quality, prescribed arch supports ? Everything from your pumpkin on down is supported by your feet. Your fragile feet.

Several years ago I was weight-walking. I was about your current age then. My medium ALICE pack with frame weighed 55 pounds.My rucking was seldom more than 4 miles distance roundtrip. Had been doing the ruck 4-5x weekly. One day returning from a 3 miler I was about 700m from my home when the arch of my right foot went out ! Talk about pain.

I ended up having to go see my primary care guy. He sent me to a professional who custom made left and right arch supports. He also advised no rucking for 60-90 days. If rucking again start at 15#. Anyhow, it took nearly a year for my foot to be ready for any weight-walking/rucking.

Please consider some custom arch supports. Your feet (and back) will thank you. At this point in America today you don’t need to be deadlined because of a foot injury.

Best to you in this New Year 2022.

3 years ago
Reply to  Delta3two

I had the same happen to me. Excellent advice all around, especially re: custom arch supports. Furthermore, I’d strongly recommend training on dirt, grass, and asphalt instead of concrete. Watch out for burrows in the grass.

3 years ago

Enough already. AS Eli Wallach’s character in “The Good, the bad and the ugly” said: “if you’re gonna shoot, shoot. Don’t talk about it.”

3 years ago

Well said Wes. The pressure cooker is over pressurized now. TPTB will get their dark winter just like they predicted. They will not like it. They wanted this, they started this, WE will end this. No prisoners no mercy. God speed Wes. Keep on keeping on.

3 years ago

wow, you really nailed it with this post. I knew there were many who felt as I and are experiencing what I have for the last 2 years. When will things go sporky? well…as Glen and Shelby say…”patiently waiting”

3 years ago

The Good Book is filled with admonitions and descriptions concerning the current state of this corrupt, Godless, syphilitic-thinking country. The one passage which hits me in the face is Proverbs 27:12. Stay vigilant. Keep prepping. Stay gray. Bleib ubrig.

3 years ago

Dweezil….good to “see” you.

I know better, but have you verified your zero ?

The best to you and your loved ones this New Year 2022. Good luck !

3 years ago
Reply to  Delta3two

Delta3two: Thanks and prayers for you and yours in 2022. I have two more long guns to dial in. Weather permitting, I will take care of that within the next few days. Range cards all filled out for the back yard, which borders a golf course and a sunken railroad bed. There is still plenty of product available here for the sheeple. The vaxxed have not started dropping dead in any great numbers. I think things will really ratchet up when SCOTUS affirms Mr. Biden’s mandates. Bleib ubrig, my friend.

3 years ago

Insanity is what i see, loss of common sense.
When that bell rings its going to be ugly

3 years ago

We must start coming together, we will be pushed out of society completely…
We are in Montana but are heading to Florida soon
This is from a friend on social media…not my list but I do think we better start making a real plan…..

Tin foil hat reality check moment:

I’ll be finalizing my tribe soon. The ones who plan to stick together if the weak do not rise up against the corrupt world government.

I bring the pain relief, manual labor, wellness coaching, natural vitality and meal prep. I will soon be an herbalist and I understand frequency medicine, quantum physics and fearless faith.

I will need:

* an expert mechanic (I have one but we could use two)

* a couple hunters who can also skin and prep an animal

* a couple gardeners (I’m learning)

* someone who can operate a farm

* a couple cooks

* carpenter

* someone with great organization skillls

* seamstress

* a couple medical professionals skilled in phlebotomy and basic triage

* veterinarian (I think I have this covered)

* massage therapist (maybe two)

* activities director (we’re building a cruise ship 🤣)

* a couple survivalists

* expert marksman

* a hydrologist

* martial artist

* any one willing to work hard

I’m sure I am missing a couple, but if you want to be part of the tribe..comment below or PM me. We live today as if everything is fine, but plan for the possibility of what’s yet to come.

Those who prefer to value their body without addictions preferred. Faith, love and communication required. Moderate venting allowed, but no whining. You can’t survive the genocide that’s yet to come with out a strong mind and steadfast values.

Long haired freaky people are welcome…those who put their medical freedom up for sale need not apply.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
3 years ago
Reply to  Jenny

Hey Jenny
Spent alot of time in MT and FL. I could fill that list and a few more, with a few exceptions. Have a few things to finish but need a tribe!

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
3 years ago
Reply to  Irod Folsom
3 years ago
Reply to  Jenny

Florida huh? Where abouts? I’m in Daytona Beach area myself. Great idea, and we will need many tribes, united for sure.
Love seeing more people trying to actually contact one another…damn! What the hell happened during Christmas..families been talking it seems;)

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago

For what it’s worth, I can tell most of the folks here are, if not on the same page, at least we read from the same book, and guided by the wonder of wonders, trusting in His guiding light. When will we fight back, should we fight back, how can we tell when it’s the right time? I seriously do not know. But I have the sneaking suspicion the spark that will kick off the whole shebang will be the implosion of the economy (they are working tirelessly on that) and the fact that people will not be able to find food, or shelves are increasingly more empty. Hungry people are the most dangerous entity known to man, and animals as well. Ignition!!! Game on!

3 years ago

Told my brother the only living blood relative left that he was a brainwashed covid zombie. And to stay away never to be heard from again. I will not even speak to a poisoned person outside of the ones I have to.

Ohio John
Ohio John
3 years ago

What I’m seeing here in Ohio is that most of the “vaccinated” are sick now. They are calling it a cold. None of my un”vaccinated” friends are sick. Funny how that is.
I refused to go to Christmas at my in laws because they are all vaccinated and sick. I avoid the vaccinated people and I don’t ever let them in my house or truck. It really irritates them but tough shit.
I think the shots are going to do most of the work for us. Sometimes I think the gene pool need a good cleaning and it look like that is going to happen.
Merry Christmas and happy new year to all the pure bloods.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ohio John


I have not taken the flu jab for more than 25 years. Have not had the flu since. Damn if I am going to submit to this communist regime of barry soetoro and puppet biden for THEIR poison injection.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Delta3two

Never have taken any injection flue or anything else, and like you FUUUUUK the communist regime that now holds our country hostage.

Dan D.
Dan D.
3 years ago

She told my wife that she guessed she would just donate my Christmas presents.” Passive-aggressive nonsense. She was going to “donate” them to you but oh, now the donation has conditions that match her temporal beliefs.
Hold fast. You are on the right course even if winds and waves are in the forecast. Steward your family.

SemperFi, 0321
SemperFi, 0321
3 years ago
Reply to  Dan D.

A present with conditions isn’t a present, it’s control.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  SemperFi, 0321

What about the presents from your big bad ass goverment? Do those have conditions? Is surrender written all over them, just asking.

3 years ago

I vote that it be us who eliminate them.

Peacefully if possible, but, as the Communìst terrorìst KL☭Ntifa Troglodyte bìtches are so fond of saying, “by any means necessary”.

Λmerican Patriots, Λrm yourselves, while we still can.   Black Rífles Matter, guys.   

Be prepared to Vote from the Rooftops, because Bidenmentia Bolsheviks are not bulletproof. 

Λìm Small, Miss Small. This will not end pretty, Λmerica.

Last edited 3 years ago by ArizonaMilitia
tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  ArizonaMilitia

Agree 100%, guerilla warfare improvise any and everything is a useful weapon. No mercy once it starts, they all have to go no exceptions.

Elder Son
3 years ago

A lot of people will have to die on their porches if there is to be an uprising. That means martyrs. But looking at today’s society, I can hear “It’s not me! So I am safe!” And then when it becomes them, they’ll hear, “It’s not me! So I am safe!”

Besides: No one is coming to save you. Keep telling people that. Keep telling them that they are alone. Keep SHOWING them they are alone.

Or, how about the “live and let live” crap? The “Do what you want just don’t touch my stuff, man” crap?

Or how about the “Muh free speech!” Your speech without action is just so much bloviating hot air. Not only are our enemies exercising “free speech”, they are putting it into action… not bloviating hot air. Someones “free speech” will prevail.

If… if…

I wonder how many people crawled into their closet when they found out that the FBI was sicced on them?

I’m just not seeing the “boiling over”. I’m not even seeing the steam. I see 99.99% bloviating hot air with occasional spittle.

When are you people ever going to learn?

BTW… if you are having “issues” with your family… let the dead, bury their dead. Sooner or later you are going to have to realize that many people are, where they are, and nothing is going to change them. They are your enemies. Shake the dust off your sandals. And no, when Christ returns, you’re not going to grab them by the arm and hemi-haul them to heaven.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Wes Rhinier

Wes, my mind set is something I work on everyday. I cannot give in to the fear it is a corroding thread. I think victory is what we will get nothing less and the commie state knows it.

strider 777
3 years ago

Yes, what will be remembered as the greatest fight in history is coming soon. Yes, we will know when it has come, all of us, at the same time. Where the flashpoint will be, I do not know. But I do know that the fight will be long, brutal, worldwide and epoch.

God have mercy on His people everywhere. And, by His holy power, grant us complete victory over the evil ones. Amen

3 years ago

My daughter hasn’t spoken to me in five years, because I detest socialism and communism. Now, according to my wife, who maintains contact with her, even the mention of my name throws her into a blind rage, and causes her to have -- in my daughter’s words -- “panic attacks”

Concerned Human
Concerned Human
3 years ago
Reply to  David

Im so sorry. That’s very sad. I don’t know your daughter but I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess she’s neither a socialist or a communist. Do you even know what those things are? Is your daughter a Democrat? Democrats aren’t socialists and certainly aren’t communists. Many Democrats (myself included) have some political beliefs one would consider socialist: social security, free universal healthcare, universal basic income, progressive taxation, etc. You don’t have to agree with those political beliefs but don’t mischaracterize them as communist. Your daughter probably hasn’t talked to you because you’re a crazy hateful moron in thrall to a fascist cult—it hurts when one loses a loved one to a cult, especially their dad.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

I bet your sister even knows the left are socialists/communists. Let her back on the computer so we can speak to someone that’s isn’t retarded. You would fit in well with the slaves in Australia.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

You and your fellow comrades or communists, along with antifa, blm and the rest of the commiekrats have already lost the war. Your dementia pupet backed by the rest of the loons are about to be brought back to reality. Maybe you should look for that safe space and huddle with your peers.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

That sure sounds like the ten planks of the communist manifesto.

3 years ago

I think the enemy has 2 or 3 scenarios planned, depending on what happens. Ideally, they want a fake war with Russia or China so they can wave the flag while invoking draconian measures that make the covid response look like a libertarian utopia.
If they can’t pull that off, and it looks like people are ready to rise up, they’ll let the Republicans win in 2022. Maybe in 2024 as well. The Reps of course won’t do squat, but many of the usual retards will squeal in delight thinking that we can now vote our way to victory. If the Reps get the presidency in 2024 there is a good chance whoever it is will be the guy who ushers in the draconian measures the globalists are sacrificing children to their god over.
The ‘oh shit Hail Mary’ scenario is to use deep fake technology to simulate an alien landing. The aliens will somehow require a global government. Perhaps an offer of curing all diseases, fusion power, whatever. If this seems stupid, compare it to how stupid you’d have thought someone predicting the covid response in 2018 was. In particular just how successful it has been…

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Your scenarios will not have time to take place, what is coming is going to be epic. Soon they will find out what they have awakened in this country, the BS is over with just another loud mouth telling you how it is.

Concerned Human
Concerned Human
3 years ago

You morons are putting my intellectually disabled sister’s life in danger. Please keep your idiotic, dangerous rhetoric to yourselves. To anyone not so far gone to be reached, please use your common sense: billions worldwide have been vaxxed with minimal side effects/adverse reactions/deaths. The vaccine is just a vaccine like any other medicines you’ve blindly taken your whole lives. The world is a big, scary, complex place—I understand that these fanciful ideas about vaccines and looming wars are both exciting in scope and comforting in their simplicity, but please realize the truth just isn’t that exciting or fun…there’s a global pandemic, it sucks, but you can make things better for you and us all by getting vaxxed!

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

Does your mom know you are posting here? Did you sneak out of the basement again? I’m going to have a talk with her later when I’m “visiting” about changing those locks.
If you got the shots you have more problems then us. Shame you forced your sister to get them when she’s clearly more useful than you. Don’t worry, in a few years when that spike protein has ravaged your bodies and you turn into a zombie we promise not to laugh too much.

Concerned Human
Concerned Human
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

Nah, mom doesn’t know. She’d advise against wasting my time in you, but I’ve had it up to here with the crazy shit my sister always sends me so I thought I’d chat with some of her “friends”.

Will be pretty neat to be a zombie. Go ahead and hold your breath for that.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Get out there and take another kill shot for team dementia, have at it moron. The death clock is ticking enjoy while you can, your just another mind dead idiot with no common sense a product of the times.

3 years ago

They’re trying to get their governor and congressmen to recognize natural immunity in people, including Chinese Flu survivors, and using the 14th amendment to broaden laws that protect kids form forcible vaccination to also cover adults. They want laws to ensure there is no discrimination against unvaccinated people.


[…] up to the genocide that is currently taking place on our species, is a daunting task. Yesterday, I was called a stupid piece of garbage for publishing an article. This person really desires his sis…jab, but she reads websites such as ours and is refusing. He also implied that we are trying to kill […]