William Barr on Assault Weapons and Clips

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6 years ago

The DOJ just concluded a study showing that most gun-related crimes are committed using black market firearms and not those of law abiding citizens. This includes those stolen from legitimate/legal owners.
I stand by the Second Amendment. Molon Labe!

Ronald Parks
Ronald Parks
6 years ago

This was a time when many conservatives thought the answer was to reach a compromise with the left on gun control. We know now that this “compromise” was really no compromise at all but a chipping away at the 2nd amendment that leftist wouldn’t stop until it (the 2nd amendment) was totally gutted. If no one asks him a question like this in this hearing, I would expect that it is because they already know that he is willing to compromise the 2nd amendment (and want to avoid public reaction)… so I hope the question is asked anew. I do find it interesting, as well, that the top federal law authority wouldn’t know the difference between a clip and a magazine.

6 years ago

Isn’t the guy asking the question the one who killed a young girl in Chappaquiddick? America would be better off and safer banning rich political drunks.

Daniel Salmon
Daniel Salmon
6 years ago

For Trump to nominate enemies of the 2A is a deal breaker. The 2A is the only protection we have to keep tyranny at bay. I would ask Barr again where he stands and what part of “Shall not be infringed.” does he not understand. Trump should know better…then again maybe we’re being played. I trust no one in government.