Over the last several months, many Christians who deal in the prophetic have been hearing a particular sequence of words in their quiet time – often in dreams – which they believe is from God: “Brace yourself for impact.”
I’ve heard it from more than one person and if you search online you will see others who claim to have heard this same message from God.
I don’t pretend to be a prophet and don’t know for certain what this means. I can only take it at face value: Brace yourself. Something impactful is about to happen.
It could be something literally impactful, like a bomb, an asteroid, a tsunami or some other natural force suddenly crashing into the earth. Or, it could be something impactful in the political realm that forces dramatic changes in our way of life.
What, for instance, would happen if the U.S. Supreme Court gives its stamp of approval to Biden’s illegal, unconstitutional mandates?
The Supreme Court is a wild card that must be considered.
According to Katie Pavlich at Townhall.com, the first day of oral arguments on Biden’s vaccine mandates was “a total disaster,” with several of the justices exhibiting a level of cluelessness that was astonishing.
Too late! It’s already here.
I went to buy my usual monthly case of coffee and they said they didn’t know when they’d get more…
Pet foods are next so stock up if you have any. Buy in bulk.
I stand for our flag. I pledge allegiance. Goodness always wins. Save the children.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
― Samuel Adams
All the illegals at the border heading north are an occupying army. They are the Biblical locusts destroying the land consuming our resources. Soon their blight will be in every state.
The traitors that brought them here will eventually arm them. It’s all downhill from there.
Know the Lord, look up we’re going up.
No question about it.
a prayer for all:
“God, grant me the grace to accept with serenity the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.” As we go through life, we are often bombarded on every side with all kinds of troubles. Sometimes, the challenges of life maybe so difficult that it seems that there is no way out.
News NY tell your family and friends who are hypnotized there
4000 go to Albany
Will not comply to mandates!!!!
We are fast approaching the 1920/30’s Lennin & Stalin years. Similar constraints on the populace at large, with victimization and outright elimination of certain cultures/peoples approaching.
Food will be next and has been already historically a significant factor. 1920/30’s Russian famine primarily due to confiscation of a percentage of harvest the peasants kept back for themselves and next years planting, increasing percentages taking even a percent of the following years seed making the harvest that much lower and blaming the peasant for the failure. 100’s of thousands starved. Historically significant because it was LESS that 100 years ago. Ultimate goal of the globalist Cabal is on the horizon.
Yup, that was called the Holodomor.
The irony is painful.
My wife is from Kazakhstan. She lived through the breakup of the USSR and suffered during it. Worse, while the Holodomor was happening Stalin also starved the Kazakhs, and 1/3 of the ethnic Kazakhs also died.
Yet she’s one of the “That can’t happen here” contingent.
Couple of things.
First, local sitrep: I was at the grocery store and was astonished at how denuded many of the shelves were. Both chicken and beef were low-low. Granted, Sunday, but still -- highly unusual. I know some of the stock people -- they’ve been complaining at having to “game” the stocks on the shelves to make it look like there’s a lot there.
Second, take a look at the video from the 2015 NEW WORLD ORDER conference embedded in my essay (OK, shameless self-promotion). “There will be a need to kill many billions…”
Proverbs 16:18… and What’s Coming? -- Granite Grok
Dr. John Coleman was warning us about this fifty years ago, Gary Kah was warning us about this thirty years ago, and he nearly predicted the exact steps that are ocuring at this moment….
My wife and I stocked up on long-term storable food years ago, enough to get us through hard times for two years and then some. We further stocked up with regular grocery items that we rotate regularly. We also have plenty of Heirloom seeds stored up for our garden.
My wife chose our two-story full-time Retreat home, in a very rural part of the Λrizona mountains. A year-round spring-fed creek runs along our property line and across that creek our neighbor raises organic beef cattle. There are other beef operations nearby, and our other neighbors have either a backyard garden, a fruit orchard, or both.
Our little town produces so much food that our neighbors simply give away what they cannot eat, can, or sell.
There are thousands of acres of wilderness in every direction, all of it high plains desert scrub. The water in our creek keeps the vegetation alongside it lush and green, which is what attracts the multiple herds of Mule Deer and other tasty wild game.
The largest state-run fish hatchery in Λrizona is two miles upstream from our house and they stock that creek with Trout and Tilapia every week during the summer months. Fishing is great around here.
We won’t be force-marched into the Bidenmentia Regime’s planned Holodomor.
What would you recommend our course of action be? And yes i am setting you up in a sense.
A direct assault,
Or let the house burn and pick up the pieces while telling them no all the way.
No definition, used as a function word to express the negative of an alternative choice or possibility, that should stop the psychopaths from committing mass genocide in their tracks. Requires no action on our part, but hell it might work in fantasy land.
The so called SCOTUS is a Criminal bunch just like the rest of the Federal Govt. If they rule against us, well, we know where they stand and should be seen as cancerous and. . . Sitting on the sofa is not working for us my friends. Time to Fight back or just DIE.
The same gene editing tech used to create these injs has been used to corrupt our food since at least 2015:
Li, Xindi et al. (26 Apr. 2018) “Lycopene Is Enriched in Tomato Fruit by CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Multiplex Genome Editing” Frontiers in plant science vol. 9 559. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.00559
…but wait, there’s more….
They are marketing their gene edited products to non-gmo, organic consumers, and the USDA has allowed it under the technicality that it contains no foreign DNA, so instead of adding frog genes to the tomato they are able to edit the tomato’s own genes (without knowing the consequences of doing so) and sell it as non-GMO, organic.
“…an agreement with American Natural Processors (ANP), a leading provider of innovative non-GMO and organic processing of oils, flours and meals, to crush Calyxt’s high-oleic soybean variety, and produce the Company’s high oleic soybean oil, its first product expected to hit the market in late 2018 / early 2019.”…”In mid-2015, Calyxt received a letter from the USDA confirming that the Company’s high-oleic soybean variety is non-regulated, as the product contains no foreign DNA.”
http://www.calyxt.com/calyxt-signs-agreement-with-american-natural-processors-to-crush-and-process-its-high-oleic-soybeans .
GROW your own food…Try to grow ALL of it (or know and trust the source, at least)… SAVE the seeds.
It took 20 years for people to realize that there was a problem with eating GMO food and no “journals” were allowed to be published on the research documenting the health problems that it caused, so don’t go looking for proof of harm on this one either.