WNC Update – Language Warning

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Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
4 months ago

I have heard that a lot, in many contexts, over the past few years… Those folks in NC are the latest, but through the vax nonsense and various iterations of government overreach, people I spoke to noted that their kids were the final line… when the gov started talking about taking kids away for various forms of parental non-cooperation, a lot of people started quietly loading mags and straightening cotter pins.
This will not go well for CPS. They seem to have asked for it, though.What did they think was going to happen? They seriously think folks will just give their kids over to agencies that have already demonstrated their incompetence, corruption, and hatred for the people they’re supposed to help?
That’s quite the echo chamber the left lives in.

tom finley
tom finley
4 months ago

Thanks for the update, I don’t know what to say Praying for those people, protect your family by any means necessary.

4 months ago

Well spoken son!

4 months ago

Mike, Read all you can by JJCarrell.substack.com. Our government is the largest provider of child sex trafficking in the world. If those kids were taken, wonder what would happen to them? FAFO. They are really pushing the envelope.

Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
4 months ago
Reply to  WKBags

We are aware, sir. We also note that the USG has…a lot…. of help in this regard.
Pedophiles, everywhere.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
4 months ago

Count on government to make any bad situation exponentially worse.

Sam Henderson
Sam Henderson
4 months ago

I hope they can find many deep mine shafts in TN, NC and KY to drop those folks in and those who help them..

Last edited 4 months ago by Sam Henderson
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
4 months ago

Get yer ammo ready.

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
4 months ago

Endeavor to become ungovernable in the next two- and one-half months.

Tim Bo
Tim Bo
4 months ago

Millstone time, lots to go around.

Sgt. Schulz
Sgt. Schulz
4 months ago

CPS is the Moloch of modern times. Any opportunity the state can find to get their homosexual social workers out in the field to kidnap kids under dubious pretense they will. Little known fact, Fedgov pays states 4:1 expense reimbursement for every dollar spent by the state. Incentive much? That department in EVERY state is corrupt top to bottom and evil at its core. Don’t try to convince anyone that CPS helps kids in bad situations. Total garbage talk. Those kids usually are helped far more by extended family and friends than any state agency could, with far less trauma.

Another agency that has to go.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago
Reply to  Sgt. Schulz

Easy to say yet have you ever seen and heard of children abused that ‘needed to be removed from their parents?
Easy to condemn by group, hard to use discretion and discernment. Lets take the hard road!

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Have you ever witnessed kids being locked out of their own home so mom and boy friend can overdose while children are out in the rain? i have. i witnessed County sherriffs and ambulances blocking in the road while hauling these two out on stretchers. Do not begin to assume i know nothing. Also know someone who works in this system a Jew (by the damn way) in Fortwayne Indiana.
Is $$$ Your chief concern?
This Troll signing off for a while THANKS!

Last edited 4 months ago by a follower, working on it.
4 months ago

Yeah, what’s money?

Money is POWER. Ask the moneychangers of the past and current.

DRenegade isn’t against spending money and time protecting children. Your strawman argument is irrelevant at best, insulting more likely.

Children are a national treasure. They are the future.

That’s why Satan and Communists subvert and mistreat them “For the Children”.

Don’t worry when you return you will explain your Blessings of supporting Israel.

4 months ago

Sir: Just as one Robin does not make a summer, one incident of heroism by CPS does not make these bureaucrats candidates for sainthood. I saw it myself as a Peace Officer in SoCal for over 30 years. I have worked many cases alongside Psychiatric Social Workers involved in identifying and saving abused children.
The problem with CPS, is there are quite a few naive, starry-eyed women who have no real-life experience and get drunk with power. One only has to look at the absolute, tragic fiasco of the Mc Martin Day-School Case in Manhattan Beach, CA to see the catastrophic overreach of CPS. A very good film starring James Woods was made about this horror story.
I NEVER let CPS run my investigations or conduct interviews without me being present, or me and my police co-workers going over their documents and re-reading the transcripts. Plus, we employed an experienced Forensic Pediatrician, qualified under Voir Dire who could provide prima facie evidence of physical abuse, based on a medical examination.
The investigation of any crime or incident will always begin with the arrival of the first officer on the scene. It does not matter if the location is a drug house, school nurse’s office, or the family kitchen table. When CPS was first on the scene, my radar alarms were always on high alert.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 months ago

Dweezil, thanks for responding.
All i am saying is individuals, we should not condemn by the group.
All cops are not evil, all politicians are not satan, all of CPS etc….
Why is it so hard to see something so basic, so simple?
“Easy to condemn by group, hard to use discretion and discernment. Lets take the hard road!”

Last edited 3 months ago by a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 months ago

Every system, every group every program, has the potential for evil and abuse. Because mankind is involved and we each carry the disease and when left unchecked it grows. This is why we are (were) to call each other out as we go, need be, hold each other and our selves in check. i believe we stopped doing this for some time now. we stayed in our own yard, we minded our own business, we stayed silent, we did wrong by not speaking out and up when we should have, which is why things have progressed to these levels. Even in the “churches” (assemblies more correctly) the politics and gamesmanship, the clichés, took over. Non confrontational became the way of a false peace.
Gone on so long now , what happens when we do stand up and speak? All foretold, all warned about, yet history repeats.

3 months ago

Yes, non-confrontational is absolutely a false peace. What does it take to motivate people to be confrontational? On 09/24/2021 I was recovering from COVID pneumonia at Kootenai Hospital. Lying there watching the TV news, a story broke about the CDA 271 School District Board. It was going respond to doctors advocating a return to masking students.
The parent demonstration at the District Office was so violent against this unelected bureaucracy’s pending mandate that the CDA police along with the district employees locked themselves in the building. As a former Peace Officer, I have seen demonstrations which were a lot were less agitated. Needless to say, the mask proposal went away.
People will stand up against cops and government at all levels when tyranny affects their children and their families’ health, safety, and livelihood. And after 01/06/2020, the vast majority of American Citizens have no use for the FEDGOV. It trickles down to local government levels as well. We will have to see how they react after 11/05/2024. Bleib ubrig.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
3 months ago

One day at a time.

4 months ago

Ummmm. Hold up. A Jew that cares about the Goyim? It literally goes against the very religion.

On a side note I’ve seen more child social workers that can’t keep their own house and kids in order, yet are somehow an oracle because of their title.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
4 months ago

i remember a group that gathered in 2020,(Virginia was it???) if we start seeing this in NWC for the good reasons this man is speaking of, you will have much support.

Last edited 4 months ago by a follower, working on it.
4 months ago

Horrible! 3-letter FedGov agencies messing with these people--“for the safety of the Chilllllldren, of course.”
Still, Lahaina, Maui, HI has it worse: there are ~2,000+ kids still missing and, like the Las Vegas shooting and the 360,000 kids who entered the U.S. Southern border, nobody has any answers and no-one is even asking WHERE IN THE BLUE FCUK ARE THEY?
Are we THAT jaded?

Last edited 4 months ago by TakeAHardLook
4 months ago

The blood suckers from the DCS services need more children for their satanic sacrifices for their blood lust, I say kill them all and bury their stinking bodies in the radioactive mud. and if the state coppers show up bury them also in the mud with Baal and the moloch blood suckers.

kal kal
kal kal
4 months ago

Take the children and re-educate them to be productive little worker bees for the corrupt regime. CPS marches in, send them back out, unarmed and naked!

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
4 months ago

Man, I hear what that guy is saying about what CPS is doing and I have to wonder why kind of lunatic, sicko, power tripping, heartless, merciless, scum sucking, evil bastard-hellspawn does that kind of thing? Where do they get these people? Clearly they are intellectually handicapped and morally thwarted, but really, where do they come up with people like that? Are there really that many commie-pedos in the government? Unbelievable.