Women in Combat: Battling Nature, Battering Reality

Are you getting just a little tired of seeing women defeat men in action movies these days? Of the heroine physically destroying the male villain and saving the poor male ‘hero’ that can’t take care of himself? Sure, we understand that this is ridiculous and slough it off as ‘just Hollywood’ the same as when brutal fistfights in the saloon never seem to result in bloody noses or lips. But is something else in play?

I’m a former Scoutmaster. Some years ago, Scouting decided it would be a good idea to allow women to be Boy Scout leaders. Now, I had a problem with this. Women are nurturers by nature. Men are challengers. Men are examples for boys and women for girls. So how can a woman teach a boy to be a man?

In an age with so many fatherless homes, what better place for boys to have male role models than the Boy Scouts? But how can a female Scout leader illustrate that male role?

In one weekend adult leadership training course, we had two women participate. We had a fairly easy backpack hike up a mountain. The guys all geared up and prepared to hit the trail. A pickup drove up and the women’s packs were placed in the bed of the truck. Seems they were being given special treatment. One of my friends took his pack off and threw it in the truck, too. Equal treatment, right? Wrong. He was chastised and told to put his pack back on. Oh, and the women also rode up the mountain in the truck along with their packs. How does this kind of preferential treatment build unit cohesion? How can such women challenge boys to climb a mountain?

My son is a former Marine. Yes, there are women in the Marine Corps. And yes, they have different standards. I learned from my son that women don’t do pullups, they just have to hang from the bar for a certain length of time. This poses an obvious question. How can a woman who can’t do pullups have enough upper body strength to grab a wounded fellow Marine by the collar and drag him/her out of harms way while laying down covering fire with the other hand? Or, how can such a woman defeat a male enemy soldier in hand to hand combat?

Virginia Military Institute was an all male institution. Women demanded entrance so they could have the ‘VMI experience’. VMI said no, the courts said yes. You guessed it, the Corps of Cadets had to relax some standards for all cadets and allow different standards for the women because the women couldn’t physically meet the existing standards. So the VMI experience that the women demanded was destroyed for all. Sound familiar? But hey, now everybody’s equal so that’s OK, right?

Now, before you judge me a chauvinist, let me quickly remind you that recognizing reality doesn’t convict one of bigotry or chauvinism. It merely confirms one is awake and paying attention. While my examples should suffice to illustrate the problem with universal ‘equality’ of gender, Selwyn Duke has written a more intellectual argument which appears in American Thinker.

Read it here …

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