Words have meanings. Part Two

Your local area has to be the base of anything else that you plan to do.  Your local area should afford you many advantages over your opponents.

Everyone can have a role in your home defense force.  As you develop your potential roster of folks start assigning folks to different categories.

You’ll need:

  1. Armed security folks
    1. Internal defense – capable of defending the perimeter both mounted and dismounted. Older folks and even children can be useful in this role.
    2. External defense – capable of responding to threats inside and outside the perimeter; capable of short distance recon along avenues of approach and potential threats. Generally higher skilled and requires a higher degree of physical fitness.
  2. Logistics
    1. Communications/Intel – Monitoring local, regional and nationwide news. At a basic level, it’s monitoring radio nets (internal and external) and goes all the way up to more advanced HF radio comms
    2. Food and field sanitation – Procuring, preparing and distributing food supplies.
    3. Medical
      1. Routine
      2. First Aid
      3. Emergency
    4. Vehicle maintenance
    5. Weapon maintenance
    6. Resupply folks


h/t Ken L

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