Donald Trump said that he would end the war in Ukraine quickly if elected. He would be able to end the war IF European countries and Canada wanted to end the war. As most European nations and Canada are now meeting with Zelensky, we should have some “direction” today as to whether ground troops will be sent to Ukraine. This would cause Russia to declare war on those nations which is what they want.
Or I should say this is what they need. Europe has allowed itself to be invaded by third world “immigrants”. These immigrants are given more rights (and financial aid) than the respective country’s own citizens. Europe’s future has been destroyed due to massive debt, invasion, and the depletion of their military and its materiel.
War is their “leaders” only solution to continue their power and increase tyranny. If this assumption is correct, World War III is inevitable. The election of Donald Trump was historic and it stopped the United States from participating in this charade. At least I hope it has. Remember the overwhelming support from the US Congress for Ukraine. While some Congressmen have had a chance of heart, the majority of Congress will call for war if Russia defends itself. As with too many wars, one false flag in the United States will cause our nation to enter a war against Russia regardless of what the people want.
President Trump understands the danger and pointed it out to Zelensky at their press conference. He also understands that a world war with Russia (and China) will benefit the objectives of the Deep State:
- Intelligence and law enforcement agencies will be “safe” from investigations.
- The economy will shift to a war mode to benefit the military/industrial complex.
- Debt will skyrocket.
- The working class will be devastated by inflation and debt.
- Propaganda will once again reign supreme.
- The two-tiered justice system will remain intact.
- Our sons and daughters will die in a useless war to protect evil.
- World casualties will be of a magnitude never before seen which satisfies one of the main objectives for one world order.
If we lose, the West will be destroyed and replaced by a new multipolarity order. Those of us who survive will be living in a different world paradigm.
This is the only chance we have to restore the Republic. A war with Russia will preclude any hope of our giving our children a better future. Watch carefully which politicians and media outlets promote this war. Donald Trump is being backed into a corner and his options are limited:
- Remove Zelensky from office.
- Drop out of NATO.
- Remain neutral in the war and be attacked by the Deep State for the rest of his administration.
- Hope the governments in Great Britain, France, Germany and Canada be replaced by the people in civil wars.
- Declare martial law and disband Congress and the Supreme Court.
- Implement voter ID and hold new Congressional elections that can be validated in 24 hours.
- Close military bases overseas in areas impacted by the war.
The above options (and other options) will be hard to implement here and abroad. The Deep State has one option to meet their goals: remove Donald Trump.
If war breaks out, we have to decide if the people who love this country will stand up and hold the people accountable who sold us out for 30 pieces of silver.
David DeGerolamo
The defense secretary should step up his house cleaning asap, we are going to need a patriotic military, sooner than later. All 7 points above should be implemented immediately.
The President could send a very strong message to the rest of the corrupt, syphilitic-thinking heads of state in Europa by doing this: Order a stand-down of ALL American troops stationed anywhere in that socialist collection of countries. Then, BRING THEM ALL HOME! Bring their equipment, dependents, supplies, nukes, and everything. And give the big middle finger to Germany, the Brits, and the Frogs. And if it means even disinterring our WWII dead, do that too. America is shackled to a corpse.
Right answer.
i’m on the fence about veep Vance’s ties to control freak silly con valley ( i lived there for 40 years or so ) , but he was on time over target when he said there is nothing more we can do for you in munich.
europe has been committing cultural suicide for over a generation. it’ll likely be a self inflicted coup de grace, perhaps quite soon.
With respect, this is precisely what should happen. The US should, and I mean right the f*** now, remove itself from these proceedings and permit them to unfold as desired by those involved. All military assets brought back to US soil, most ricky-tick. All personnel, whether diplomatic or otherwise, also brought back to US soil without delay.
Foreign adventures, indeed.
Immediate, and I do mean swiftly, resignation from NATO, the UN, and any other international agreements/structures that do not benefit her. The US needs to preserve its strength for the challenges ahead, not waste itself trying to support & maintain an international order whose other participants seem hell-bent on destroying wholesale.
With especial emphasis, I would also humbly ask that the US not flinch one iota from doing what is right in respect of Canada. The latter country has imposed tariffs on the US for decades without a single word of complaint heard; this needs to end, now-ish. Let the Canadians decide, once and for all, whether they will stand with their cousins south of the 49th, or continue to bend the knee to a faithless old country that long since turned its back on them.
Let there be at least one nation on this earth that does. The. Right. Thing.
It’s illegal for the deep state to be meeting with Z to undermine Trumps policies. Pam Bondi should swat them, jail them and start criminal proceedings.
Right after the list. NEVER
7.”Our sons and daughters will die in a useless war to protect evil.’
Not if they refuse to go…….
The Fourth Turning continues apace…..
European military forces getting directly in or Ukraine will lead to WW3. That’s not an if. It’s a when….which will be soon. Once that Pandora’s box is opened it will be a giant shot sandwich…and everyone gets a bite.
The UK Prime Minister, an openly homosexual-mentally ill-sexual-degenerate, will be the one who pushes Europe into open warfare with Russia. Please note just who the representative of Munchkin land’s lollypop guild (Zelensky) trotted to immediately after he was literally BUM-RUSHED out of the White House, strapped into a booster seat in a Chevy Suburban and whisked away, right into Starmer’s lap who then summoned the usual European suspects for an emergency security meeting--where one can deduce they are now going to quadruple down on their support for Ukraine.
Is Starmer literally insane? ANSWER: Yes, completely.
Will Starmer and other psychopaths in the EU start a hot conflict with Russia? ANSWER: Chances are very high now.
With Zelensky actions right after his melt-down at the White House… I think President Trump will now move quickly to separate the USA from the coming conflict. Two times in the last century American blood was spilled in Europe--sucked in both times by the UK and their diabolical maneuverings. I believe Trump recognizes this, as a hot conflict with US involvement would absolutely not be contained and confined to Europe and Ukraine. Even a limited number of conventional and or nuclear strikes on the USA would send this country back 100 years.