Worthless Men and the Judgment of God

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4 years ago

1️⃣ Firearms License required for any new gun purchases or ownership transfers.
▪️Licensee Must be 21, complete a 24 hour gun safety training course, and must undergo a psych evaluation.
▪️Multi-tier license. Individual license for ownership and display of “antique” firearm, standard firearm license, and “military style” license.
▪️Military license requires additional 24 hour safety course.
▪️Licensing is revoked immediately for anyone indicted of a crime in which the sentence lasts longer than 1 year.
This heavily discriminates against anyone who has ever seen a therapist or had to get mental health treatment, such as victims of abuse and people with depression, and veterans seeking care for PTSD. Depression and addiction are mentioned specifically as reasons for licensing denial.
Also, gun licensing is expensive, which makes ownership less accessible for those who need their own protection most.
2️⃣ Requires an $800 annual government insurance fee for all current and future gun owners, to be paid to the Attorney General EVERY YEAR.
There is no grandfather clause, meaning this applies to anyone that owns a gun at all, not just those who purchase a new firearm after this passes.
This fee will certainly go up each year. It’s yet another barrier for those in poverty to be able to defend themselves.
3️⃣ Mandatory Nationwide Firearms Registration & Database
▪️ALL firearms owned shall be registered under penalty of up to $150,000 and 15 years in prison.
▪️Serial, make, model, date, identity of owner, and the location of where the firearm will be stored to be collected and maintained in a database by the US Attorney General.
▪️Names and information of all those who may have access to the firearms shall be collected as well.
▪️This information to be accessible by state, local, and federal police, military, as well as state and local governments.
4️⃣ Ammunition and Magazine Bans
▪️Bans .50cal and larger ammunition outright.
▪️Bans all mags that hold more than 10 rounds
This ammo is mostly used for hunting and is rarely used against people. The most common handguns and rifles use magazines that exceed this arbitrary limit, which makes TENS OF MILLIONS of law-abiding gun owners felons
This overnight.
Illegal ownership of even a single round of banned ammo will result in up to $100,000 in fines AND 20 years in prison.
FROM- Activist post..couldn’t share link🤷‍♂️

4 years ago

BFD. Virtually No One is going to ‘comply’ with this chit.
Your Move, (((commies))).

4 years ago

Imagine if every pastor preach like this.