WRAL Politifact?

Some pundits and politicians have raised questions about people protesting police brutality throughout the country — in some cases accusing them of having ulterior motives.

A right wing pundit falsely accused liberal billionaire George Soros of funding the protests.

President Trump has suggested some are “anarchists.”

And in Raleigh this week, a message that was posted to neighborhood boards and texted amongst people suggested that “antifa” planned to come into wealthy areas and steal from residents.

“Antifa may be heading into the wealthy neighborhoods tonight to take what should be theirs,” one text said on June 2.



The above media report does not address the following:

  1. The reports by Project Veritas exposing antifa as a national organized and well financed organization.
  2. Who did the damage in Raleigh.
  3. Who is posting the “false” text messages.
  4. The crimes of George Soros against multiple countries.

It would be good if WRAL (or at least some media) did investigative journalism instead of defending criminals. Until that time comes, the media will continue to misdirect us using fear and propaganda.

David DeGerolamo

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