I would have bet money ($1) that the government would shut down instead of passing yet another continuing resolution. I do not mind being wrong as He keeps me humble.
Who knows, this may be the catalyst to remove another traitor from a top position as McCarthy’s back door deal with the Democrats was the last straw for even Marjorie Taylor Greene.
McCarthy Says He Doesn’t Want to Part of Republican Team After Passing Continuing Resolution
David DeGerolamo
They’re all liars and now we watch to see if the conservative caucus keeps to its word to oust Pelosi’s lackey, McCarthy right out on his rear end.
They are all Congress-swines !!!
Pigs swilling at the trough being fed by us and the lobbyists who buy them!
Can anybody show me why ANY Member of CONgress (spelling intentional) is a Representee of “We the People”?
I see them as two wings on the carrion bird eating at the dying Republic.
Please prove me wrong, my table is over there with a pot of coffee.
McCarthy is just another member of the CON that is the US government, two headed hydra speaking with the same evil forked tongue. We need to give the lot of them the boot and a free ticket to GITMO, where they belong.
The whole thing is just Kabuki theater IMO.