WRSA Radio Ep 110 -Service to Servitude

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2 years ago

It’s rather like the way the powers that be are purportedly planning to use people as human antennas with 6G and in conjunction with the Covid-19 vaccines. The idea is that all energy serves them. The vaccinated are already connecting to Bluetooth capable technologies, by many accounts. Simply attributing generational servitude in many forms to big government and their bureaucratic and technological overreach doesn’t fully explain why this has been perpetuated in a so-called constitutional republic. Additionally, if people view work as something they are essentially forced to do, something that is antithetical to their natural aptitudes or personality, and still can’t adequately pay their bills, sustain themselves and have the mobility for the expression of exploring personal interests for instance, travel, or learn new skills, they are in many senses sequestered, leading to a widespread atomization in tandem with institutional hegemony (as a cumulative feature). If a significant number of persons seek out sinecures, such as government jobs (with long-term stability and reliable benefits), whereas they’re unable to find complimentary work in the regular workplace, along with the duly employed who are widely dissatisfied with their jobs (underemployed, skills not matched to the job, etc.), this obviously affects the balance of power between the people and those that rule over them. This is why in part from a historical perspective, social contracts were enacted.