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- kal kal on No More NGO Invasion Funds
- kal kal on No More NGO Invasion Funds
- kal kal on No More NGO Invasion Funds
- kal kal on Two Questions
- kal kal on Trump on FAA Diversity Requirements
I disagree with his premise of saying nothing. Children are being deluded into lying to their parents, taking poison, and mutilation of their genitals! It’s happening right now! Christianity is mocked- dare you to watch this Twitter video till the end. Is this what you want for the future of your children? Presenting the Los Angelos Dodger trans show: mocking Christ!
Thank you for approving this Twitter video
Is this what you want? Say nothing?
Thank you for posting this most important Twitter video. Those who have eyes to see -- look! ✝️
I posted a video. I am blocked?
Thank you for posting the defamation of our Lord by the Los Angeles Dodgers. Lord have mercy.
I do not know how to remove what I stated. I am not blocked.
The WOKE folks are in such steep denial I also don’t think they are going to prep and survive. Those that do will have to come in off their mental ledge and change. So I agree with that and the other assessments.
Most of the women I know (and at least one man) who became lesbians were raped bv their fathers, brothers, uncles, friends of the family, bosses, co-workers, etc. They need to be healed more than saved. Very few of my friends from 1970 to the present -- have never been raped or assaulted. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman who hasn’t been attacked in some way -- even if it was just verbal abuse on the street.
The quality of the “father figures” of the last 50 years has been dismal. That is a BIG reason why all of this WOKE bullshit is getting any traction at all. But everybody knows that the Freemasons and the cabal love to play with language. When we started talking about their minions -- they made a cartoon called The Minions. This “Woke” movement is also about taking away the phrase “to awaken,” into something else and anchoring it to something most people do not like. Too many people were “waking up”… so that concept had to be derailed and made more difficult to talk about.
I HOPE that today’s men are realizing that women need them to be willing to clean house already. What I really want, is for good men to stop focusing on women, and look at all the psycho/evil men around that hurt everyone. These evil sub-humans need to be helped out of this dimension so they can’t prey on women and children anymore.
In the USA, psychopaths are 1 out of 25 people. That’s 4% of the population that cannot be helped, will never change, and leave a trail of personal and financial destruction in their wake. That is a huge number of primary psychopaths… and most are not criminals. They are just really awful people who hurt everyone they deal with because their entire life is a giant, emotionless, dominance play. For comparison, in Japan the number of psychopaths in the population is .03 -- .04%. Why is our population so messed up? (Source: The Psychopath Next Door by Margaret Stout, Phd.)
Target has partnered with with an organization pushing for kids’ genders to be secretly changed in schools without parental consent stated Fox News. The signage for this organization is displayed with Targets Pride clothes for children inside your local Target store. Healing begins with checking abomination out.
If nothing changes, nothing will change, we are marching lock step to our death. The Maoist are committed to our destruction, it is eminent and we bury our heads in the sand, throughout the history of mankind this has happened time and time again, nothing new under the sun. We are in disobedience to God almighty for our cowardice and apathy. Let us get up off our knees and fight!