WRSA Radio EP 89- Living in the past

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I prefer to stand in the light, and that involves my spiritual relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ. I try not to live in the past, that is done and gone, and the future is but a promise. Today is our only reality, God only sees the truth, I try to keep an open mind, at 71 yrs. old I want to stay a student, knowing I know but a little.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
robehr orinsky
robehr orinsky
2 years ago

My old dead Dad used to tell me stories of his childhood coming up in the Great Depression . Twice weekly trips to the courthouse to get two loaves of bread and a one pound square of not butter but lard . Dad said you would be surprised how good a lard sandwich tasted when you haven’t eaten for three days . Grandma Nellie and Dad used to walk the country roads and pick wild mustard so Grandma could make a batch of homemade mustard . Grandpa died of Black Lung and Tuberculosis when he was only 45 . Tradition in my family means surviving .

2 years ago
Reply to  robehr orinsky

It was on the backs of men like your grandfather that this nation rose to greatness. It is why I am now so disgusted with the filth that currently controls the wheels of power and are destroying all that men like you GF built so there descendants could live a better life. Damn them to hell.They could not hold a candle to men your like your grandfather. May he be resting in peace in the Lords kingdom