WWIII Incoming

Update: 20 Stratotankers

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2 hours ago

Doesn’t matter, the congress will not stop them from sending troops cuz they are in approval for the action snd then they do not have to take the votes

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 hours ago

My evangelical republican glad-handing pull-peddling zionist congressman for my district in East Texas is giddy about the US being dragged into to a war for the jewish apartheid state of Israel. Of course, he, nor, any member of his family will do any actual fighting. He campaigned on becoming the next Ron Paul but he turned out to be a clone of Speaker Mike Johnson. It appears that betrayal is in the DNA of all republicans. Who is $ John Galt?

13 seconds ago

All POS TRATITORS OWNED by zionist pig jew money…..Remember 80% + of jews vote BLUE!!!! Many of you on this platform disagree with wokeness and jews cut your throats & vote demshit! How stupid can you folks possibly be….government schools are working quite well!

2 hours ago

No approval needed by the maggots in the congress,they are controlled by the jew Lobby with our tax dollar subsidies to these anti christ Jew groups.

2 hours ago

“Netanyahu has pledged to fight to the last American.”

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
2 hours ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

You know it.

Mary Combs
Mary Combs
2 hours ago

Iran was just officially let into the BRICS community, which must be too bitter a pill for the Biden regime to swallow. One of two scenarios, either the Biden administration is totally incompetent and arrogant in their own assessment of their supreme self righteousness, and genuinely believes the US can crush Iran, Russia and China together….. Or they have some super weapon they are itching to use.

Or -- the puppet masters genuinely want to destroy humanity and make Earth uninhabitable for the next 20,000+ years.

The Southern Nationalist
The Southern Nationalist
1 hour ago

Since congress controls the “purse strings”, do they not know what they are funding?

40 minutes ago

Claims of North Koreans in Ukraine. But it is ok for NATO troops to take part in the war. Including US troops. Who do we think is operating those Patriot systems in Ukraine? Now the neocons are demanding US ground troops go into Ukraine. No surprise. Russia has already won in Ukraine. In an attempt to turn it around, the US had to something extreme. And now US troops and pilots in a middle east war. And war will surely breakout in the Korean peninsula. And Taiwan. Better cancel the election. Good plan.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
28 minutes ago
Reply to  Nobody

I believe that is the current plan (was always plan b, but she’s tanking hard, nobody would believe the steal). Its a copy of the Ukie playbook. Can’t transition during a war. That jew cokehead is still in power, though his term ended over 6 months ago.