You would think that the US Secretary of the Treasury would focus on the state of the US economy instead of a Democrat talking point. Imagine if “climate change” was restricted in the same manner as people who were warning about the mRNA gene therapy. I suppose this illegal regime only silences the truth and promotes misinformation and misdirection.
David DeGerolamo
Here ya go Jan. Watch yer step on those stairs m’am.
Her head is so rotted it would rip clean off if you actually tried to hang her.
you gonna need wider gallows, we have lots of folks to dispatch from here.
The real existential threat -- is everyone in this fake administration
I believe that’s called hardlining
I was born before 1970. And I read a lot in my youth. And that was the first time I heard about how we would end up in an ice age, then burned by the sun etc.
Nothing of this came true.
If those loonies want to believe in it -- go ahead. BUT dont make me believe in it too. Because it is a scam.
You are right, it is a scam. However, I hope you are aware that what isn’t a scam is climate manipulation. Geoengineering is a multi pronged attack on the earth’s life support systems. Weather warfare is being waged for various agendas, none good.
The “wacky” weather we are seeing are destroying crops. This is done while the populace isn’t aware they are being attacked. For more info, with Dane Wigington.
“Wacky weather…”
Compared to…
…the last Ice Age?
The next one?
Another Krakatoa event?
the ice age we are actually headed into, according to REAL climatologist.
A real climatologist? He’ll never mention geoengineering. His paycheck and/or pension depends on it. Look up Kristan Meghan, retired Air Force. She’ll explain those white streaks in the sky over your head.
Wacky weather = extreme flooding in one area, extreme drought in another, extreme snow in another, these are engineered events. All of these result in crop failures, starvation is historical tool of tyrants.
The events you mentioned for some reason were not engineered weather warfare. Haarp wasn’t around back then but it’s here now!!!!
Yes. Try to Google “Hurricane Erin” from Sept. 11, 2001. Look at her course as she approaches NYC.
“Alec, I’ll take “Geoengineering” for $200.”
“I suppose this illegal regime only silences the truth and promotes misinformation and misdirection.” And I would suppose that you are right.
Yellen, dear, you and the entire Biden administration is an “existential threat” to every citizen of America and, indeed, the whole world.
Yawn! The (((Little Creepy Woman))) is a shill for the fake U.S. FedGov and FJB administration.
I weigh the value of her words against 5# of cowflop.
So far, the cowflop has greater validity.
We are in the sure hands of pure evil.
These people are attempting to murder this nation.
The Federal Reserve Bank is an existential threat.
Just another khazarian Jew communist a hole lying perverted loser. I pray the good Lord takes her life and anyone like her.
Time to ban assault liberals.