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That picture speaks volumes!
I agree with Kooper1.
Can’t the toon is completely wrong.
But a Time …..
Will never be “provided”
Thats the Agressors choice.
Jussss a thought.
Great, that is the situation we are in, we have already been sheared.
only Gods elect will survive what is coming and what is here already because we have no fear in these fallen beings and the men who do lucifers bidding, they are all going to hell, each, and every one of them. God states fear him only who can destroy both body and soul only
2/3 of the world’s population wil go willingly into the fires of hell because they are faithless and do not believe in the power of God for their protection. read Zachariah and he lays out the numbers of the saved and unsaved. 1/3 are being refined as gold, and the 2/3 are going into hell, and there is nothing we can do to stop it, you see this is satans final hour on earth before he is cast into eternal hell fire along with the false prophet and the anti-christ and he knows it and this is why he is raging liking a lunatic fallen being trying to destroy all of God’s creation.
satans is the loser in the game he is playing against God Almighty. the created being does not dictate to the one who created him of what he wants, it’s God who directs the affairs of the fallen ones, and of man, as well as all world events.
We are Gods elect and we have no fear of these evil fallen beings and wicked men on this earth who do lucifers bidding. God will protect many of us in these days and some will be martyred it’s all about what God wills on us.
could we then say? All sheep are not the same.
There are sheep who follow the world.
And we have sheep who follow Yahusha?
Yes, the sheep who follow after Our Lord are his elect and the sheeple who follow after the world are Lucifers and belong to his kingdom. The world is divided into two camps of people, Gods children and satans children, And at judgement day they will be cast out into eternal darkness and torment. There is a general calling which goes out to the entire world and then there is the effectual calling of Gods children who have been numbered and marked with the seal of God before ever being born.
The American Male castrated and defanged….now please gimme my remote and another beer!
Unfortunately, truer words have never been spoken.
White man’s medicine | Eatgrueldog
This picture is drawn from the wrong prospective, we are already inside the door.