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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

People as a whole are not evil, Governments are, as stated in the article they attract power mongers and psychopaths. And that seems to be all we have currently in this illegal vile regime, prepare for war if you want peace, TINVOWOOT, we have no other choice but one, WAR.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

So very true… Every time. Amazing that the Constitution was able to hold them back for as long as it did.
Rome fell, and the Sun eventually did set on the Empire. BOHICA!

1 year ago

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Gov. Hochul to deploy 1,000 National Guardsmen, state cops to carry out bag checks in NYC subways

1 year ago

Elon is just trolling his fanbois at this point. Without “government” his Toyota Macintosh business would be DOA. Along with his rockets and his brain chips and the rest of his regulatory capture, tax credit, rent-seeking business models. If only we had no government. We could be one world, under X, indivisible for all. Now lets all go do some freespeech.

1 year ago

every form of government thru out history has, sooner or later, become corrupt. every corrupt government thru out history has, sooner or later, fallen.
the definition of insanity is trying the same thing expecting different results.
when this corrupt government fall, as it eventually will, we the people need to try something completely different, as our founding fathers did when they set up this republic.