You And Whose Army?

Two little Hitlers will fight it out until
One little Hitler does the other one’s will.

— Elvis Costello

The taxes I pay are collected coercively. If I don’t pay them, I face the possibility of being summoned to court — at gunpoint, if necessary — whence, if I persist in my refusal, I can expect to be escorted to prison by armed marshals and remain there for a term specified by the state.

But what if the government were to finance itself the way churches do, that is, by soliciting voluntary contributions? (I’m referring to the USA, of course; I realize that in some European countries, for example, it is customary for major denominations to be bankrolled by the state.)

How much money could the government obtain by asking its citizens to donate to the treasury out of the goodness of their hearts? It would have to hold periodic fundraisers, the way NPR stations do, and offer premiums to donors for their contributions. A zoning variance, say, or perhaps a year’s supply of processed government cheese.

My guess is that government employees would have to tighten their belts and grow accustomed to making do with a lot less if they ever had to rely on the voluntary generosity of citizens to finance their programs.

When you look at it that way, it’s obvious that the whole idea is completely absurd. Any organized collective that subsists on donations is definitely not a government. Government is coercion. That’s what defines it. A government is a collection of people who use the threat of force to bend other people to their will. If it were any other way, it wouldn’t be a government.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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Lee Vail
Lee Vail
2 years ago

The government we have today is not the government intended by the Founders. The vast majority are too ignorant and uneducated to see that truth.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

This government hates competition, coercion, intimidation and fascism are their tools. We need to abolish this sick regime post haste, the founding fathers warned us, but we became weak and complacent. Now is the time, may God almighty give us the courage and strength to act.

2 years ago

Back when settlers were settling they had developed their own way of taking care of business. A good example is when a child goes off to school the family would provide firewood to heat the school or help with other provisions. If a land dispute was in order, the offender would have to pay directly to the offended some pig iron or other means of repayment equal handed and appropriate to the offense. This works fine for small settlements, however somewhere along the way, some people were convinced that big government was in order to maintain order when all along the old way worked fine. Once that top down approach became commonplace everything eventually went to shit.

2 of 5
2 of 5
2 years ago

This governance is really acting like, no is, the mob or organized crime. It is a cartel of elites that has over time constructed a pyramid scheme to manage, extort and control the masses. This has now gone world wide. Why is this so difficult for the average person or sheep to grasp?

2 years ago

once again, abolish the federal government. For the most part we do not need them, as we already live in the duplicity of the local, city and state bureaucracies.

2 years ago

The federal government used to fund itself largely through import tariffs. This also stimulated local economies.

2 years ago

Government doesn’t have to be coercion, that’s what the constitution and original intent was supposed to be.
Problem is, people are generally stupid and the intent was lost rather quickly.

2 years ago

The Irish used to pay their taxes to the king in the form of potatoes, high quality dairy products and the finest wool you can lay your head on. When the blight hit Ireland they had a hard time paying up as the potato crop was ruined. The king could have understood these poor people were unable to keep up with what they owed in taxes let alone feed themselves. So what does the king do? He Sends his most (effective) thugs to beat the face off anyone close enough to make an example of, rape a few woman in front of their family members and takes any valuables they could get their dirty greedy hands on. Beautiful handmade jewelry that kept in the family for generations all ended up at the feet of a king who needed to fund some expensive operations.

2 years ago

Government has power over people simply because they have a monopoly on violence. In reality, God is the ultimate Authority.
The Constitution only affirms our
GOD -- GIVEN RIGHT to bear Arms!
Until the Second Amendment is amended to alter it’s meaning…Your GOD -- GIVEN RIGHT to defend your life, or that of your Loved ones; BY. ANY. MEANS. NECESSARY….( YES, this includes ANYTHING the Military has access to! ) Cannot be questioned!
The gun debate was settled in 1791.


2 years ago

Wake up! We have no legitimate Government…we had a coup! The World Owners have used America to create wealth and technology needed to further their plan of global domination and NOW they don’t need us. We are to be discarded. We are now participating in the implementation of their New Order with replacement of our Federal System with their Puppet Regime…we are officially a banana republic. To further the destruction of our once great country they used a Bio-weapon to kill at least 180-200 million of us with intention of replacing us with 100 million Mexicans and other easily controlled immigrants…to replace the 100-million that will die from CV. Consider yesterday the Mexican President announced there are now 40-million Mexicans in the US. There is no southern border and now Illegal’s can register via a phone app, no need to talk to INS. This past weekend Biden, Trudeau and Obrador signed the DNA- Declaration of North America which is the agreement of the North American Union. North America will be transitioned into 12 regions under UN control by 2030. Because we didn’t fight…we didn’t protest in the streets…we didn’t object…we made it easy for The Mother Weffers to take over! Who’s going to fight? The X-Z Generations don’t see anything wrong with this and actually support the UN and Carbon Control.