Do White People Commit a Disproportionate Number of Mass Shootings?

Do White People Commit a Disproportionate Number of Mass Shootings?

In the wake of the Parkland shooting, young people have become defacto mascots for anti-gun advocates and national media.

Putting a bunch of children on national television to discuss complex, highly-charged issues is not a good thing, in my opinion, especially after said children have experienced a traumatic, life-changing event.

We saw why recently on CNN, when a panel’s discussion steered from “common sense” gun control measures to the role of race in mass shootings.

It started when 17-year-old Zyahna Bryant suggested that white people in particular have blood on their hands.

“Who is carrying out these mass shootings?” asked Bryant, who is black. “Young white men.”


h/t Phillip Ley

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6 years ago

democrats do !!!!!

173 Viet Vet
173 Viet Vet
6 years ago

Fellow Patriots -- -- I am getting pretty sick and tired over hearing that David Hogg and other 17 year olds were “survivors” of the Parkland HS shooting….

They ”were not “survivors” any more than a housewife two blocks away from Parkland HS was a survivor!

The shooter, Cruz, went into the FRESHMAN BUILDING where ONLY freshmen (9th graders) have classes.

He shot up the FRESHMAN BUILDING……he did not shoot up any other buildings where Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors were in class.

The only ones who can claim to be survivors of the Parkland shooting are FRESHMEN students.

David Hogg is a ‘SENIOR….not a FRESHMAN, so David Hogg is NOT a “survivor” !!

Here is who David Hogg really is:

A gun grabbing lying socialist!